Chapter 11: Philza Minecraft

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"How old are you Michael?"

He hated this. Michael put up a terrible fight and was walking with the Technoblade to god knows where... It was humiliating. "I'm 15. Almost 16." He mumbled.

"When's your birthday?" Why does the blood god care when my damn birthday is?

"14th. February."  Technoblade nodded.

"Where did you learn to fight? Clearly not from anyone skilled." Technoblade glanced back slightly.

Michael scoffed, "is this why you're dragging me through the snow in the middle of the night? A damn interrogation?" His question was responded with silence. "Screw you. I don't need this." He turned to walk away before his shoulder was grabbed.

"At least come in and warm up before you leave." Michael turned around and Technoblade was pointing in the distance. He could barely make out the flicker of a light through the trees. He couldn't remember the last time he stayed anywhere with light he didn't create himself. He couldn't remember the last time he truly warmed up, so he nodded in agreement. He better not regret this. They walked the rest of the way in silence, thankfully.

The house was a decent size. It reminded him of his parents old house. There was a bridge connecting to another house and another white, modern looking house on the cliffside. Michael stopped and looked at it for a short while. He remembered seeing a picture that resembled a house similar to that design...

He shook his head. No, it must be a coincidence. He followed Technoblade through the open door of his house and put his bag down by the front door. Normally he'd be afraid of someone stealing his stuff but he had collected so much recently that he had to start storing it in a nearby cave. He had little to no valuables on him.

The house looked larger on the outside. It wasn't very big, but it was beautiful, full of junk and animals, but beautiful. It reminded him so much of... "Earth to Michael." Michael looked quickly in Technoblade's direction. "You good?"

Michael nodded quickly. "Yeah sorry. Just been a while since I've been in a place that was so..." Warm, beautiful, clean, "crowded." He smiled.

"Oh yeah. Steve, my polar bear, needs his night pets. If he doesn't get his hour long scratches every night he gets very very moody." Michael stepped towards Steve to let him. "No I wouldn't! He doesn't like people that he doesn't....." The polar bear smelled Michael and let him pet him. "...know."

Hm. That's.... Weird. Steve isn't usually so cuddly when it comes to people. There's no reason that he should recognize Michael's smell. At least Technoblade didn't think so. He'd have to ask Phil when he got home what he thought about it. Technoblade heard someone outside the door. "Well speak of the devil."

Michael looked at Technoblade, "what does that mean?"

"The man I was telling you about is here."

"Man...?" The door flew open and Michael felt a familiar presence. He looked at his features. He had definitely seen this face before but when?

"Hey mate! You'll never believe what.. oh who's this?" Phil asked as he noticed Michael and started putting his stuff down.

The first thing Michael noticed was his smile. It was so welcoming, as if you had the instinct to trust him. Technoblade gestured to Michael, "this is Michael. Found him breaking into Aria's house in the nearby village. Would have got his ass kicked."

Philza let out a laugh, "haha! You're lucky Technoblade saved you. She's pretty good! Anyway, it's nice to meet you. I'm Philza." He stuck his hand out.

Michael shook it before he actually internalized his words. "Wait.... Philza? Like Philza Minecraft? Father of Tubbo Minecraft?"

Philza looked confused and tilted his head. "That would be correct."

"It was you...." He remembered that conversation. The conversation that his dad had the day that Michael's life had changed forever....Michael's eyes went wide before he furrowed his eyebrows in anger and started collecting his things.

"Wait wait wait... What do you mean? What was me?" Philza asked as he lightly grabbed Michael's arm.

Michael shook Philza's arm off of him. "You killed my father. You let him die."

"What do you mean?" Technoblade spoke up. "Who's your father?"

Michael glared. How dare they try to pretend that they don't know what they did?! Have they truly murdered that many people that they don't know?! "It's not 'who is', it's 'who was'. Ranboo. Ranboo WAS my father, before you and probably you..." Michael pointed his sword at Technoblade, "killed him." Michael slammed the door. He refused to spend time with the people who let him die. Just more people to add to exact revenge on.

"Michael wait... Please." Philza ran outside after him. "Please. Give me a chance to explain. I can tell you about him. Your father... He was a good man and one of my best friends. Please just give me a chance."

What did he have to lose... He already lost so much. He felt obligated to listen, but not for Philza.... for his father. "Fine. You have 5 minutes."

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