Chapter 12: Backstory

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Michael was led back into the house. He decided to stay by the door, making note of the ladder leading down which likely led to the door he saw outside. He made note of the window to his right as well. Two other exits. Just in case. "4 minutes and 30 seconds left."

Philza let out a sigh. "You deserve to know what happened that day. Your father was put in the prison... unjustly! I must say... Sam decided that Ranboo knew something about Dream, and the stuff that Dream did... when he just... didn't. Sam is becoming tyrannical. He definitely needs to be taken down a notch, we're working on-" Technoblade cleared his throat. Phil looked at him and nodded. "Right right. Sorry. I'm getting off track. Anyway, Dream, Technoblade owed him a favour. We had to break him out-"

"So not only are you a murderer, but you conspired to break out a terrible man out of a heavily guarded, unbreakable prison? Really?" Michael glared at Techno before looking at Phil. "2 minutes."

Phil sighed. "We broke out Ranboo too while we were in there. We broke out your father out of the prison, so that we could get him back to you."

"No... NO! Dad said that he was killed! The only person who could have killed him is the warden! You're both fucking lying!" Michael clenched his fists at his side and yelled. All of the pent up emotion threatening to come clawing out of him.

Phil clarified, "he was killed! He was... He- Sam pointed an arrow at Niki's head and said that if Ranboo and Dream didn't willingly go back into the prison that he'd kill her. Dream being the selfish prick he is, didn't care and ran. Ranboo, being her friend and the most selfless person I know, took his armor off and decided to go back." Philza felt his throat start to close. He lost him. How many more people would be lost! "Sam.... Sam said that it wasn't really Ranboo he wanted in the first place and stabbed him through his chest. He bled out in my arms. We tried to heal him but... But it was too late. I'm so sorry Michael. He loved you. He wanted so badly to return to you. He worked hard every day for you. He never told us who he married, all he said was that he had a son who he loved more than life itself and a husband that he cared about dearly. He spent his life making sure that yours would be a good one."

At this Michael scoffed, "some good he did. He changed everything! If he would have just left well enough alone, he wouldn't have been thrown in prison in the first place. His family needed him! I needed him and he wasn't there for me!" Michael tried his best to portray only the anger he was feeling. He reached his hands up to his face and realized that his eyes were wet and his tears were streaming down his face. He shook his head. "I.. I promised I'd listen to you and I have. I... need to go. Thank you for your- yeah. Bye"

Phil walked cautiously towards Michael. He knows it's not best to overwhelm those who are suffering from loss. "I miss him too. We really tried to save him. It was too late. He left me one thing though. It was something he took out of the prison when Technoblade broke him out." Phil reached into his pockets and grabbed a piece of paper. "In his last moments, he gave me this." Phil handed Michael the paper.

"I recognize this.... I remember this picture..." Michael held the picture of his small family. The one they gave him on... that... day.

"He told me these exact words. Even after all these years, I remember, 'take care of them. Please. They're my world.'" Michael felt his emotions starting to bubble to the surface as Philza spoke. He tried to keep his face as neutral as possible. "And I tried to keep that promise. I went to Tubbo that day. I didn't realize he had married my son. I wish I would have known. Maybe things could have been different. Tubbo never let me anywhere near you. After a couple of years, I sadly stopped trying. I would wait until you both came to me. And here you are.. don't you see, Michael. This is fate. The world brought you here on purpose. Please stay." Phil put his hands on Michael's shoulders. "You can stay in the other house with me. I have an extra bed. One that belongs to someone that no longer needs it..."

Michael thought about it, his thoughts immediately drifting to those of his father. What would he have done in this situation? He'd probably say something like, "follow your desires Michael. You know what's best for you." Or something else extremely general that doesn't answer your question. His thoughts drifted to that of his father's death. He must have felt so cold. Michael wished he could have been there with him... Would have been able to say goodbye.... Sam deserved what was coming to him. But if he was going to do this, he needed help. "Fine. I'll stay, but not for a long time. Just a few days."

Phil seemed to light up slightly, maybe all of his wrongs he could finally make right this time around. Maybe he won't fuck it up this time. "Thank you for trusting me. Even if it's just a little. Come I'll show you to your room."

Phil led Michael to a new start. The start of something different. Things were changing, more than Michael could possibly realize.

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