I Accidentally Kickstarted The Apocalypse

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There are many interpretations of how the world will eventually end, I just didn't expect to be the one to set things in motion.

The apocalypse that could eventually wipe out all of humanity was started by my former friend and vampire Will Jackson as the bastard used my blood to release Lucifer from hell.

A lot of things had changed that day. I lost my dad, my brother was forced into becoming a vampire, and I learned that everything that had happened to me since I was attacked by the werewolf Jonathan Cayhill was just part of a ritual sacrifice that I was never meant to survive.

Thank fuck Kian had been there. If he hadn't intervened then I would definitely be dead and Lucifer would have been released from hell a whole lot earlier than he had been.

Huh. Small victories, I guess... even though I had accidentally kickstarted the apocalypse, it still felt like it was entirely my fault.

As I stood in the kitchen of the shack that me and Kian had made our home, I poured myself a drink from an almost empty bottle of vodka. Kian would be back any minute from his latest training session with my brother Dylan.

I still hadn't been assigned a new recruit to train from The Council, and I was hoping that I wouldn't have to end up working for them at all, but despite everything, tonight we were going to celebrate.

It was a new year, and there had still been no signs from Lucifer or The House Of The Apocalypse. Also, Dylan had been making great progress according to Kian. At least we could try and make the best of the crappy situation we had been dealt with. Knocking back my drink I sighed and looked at the clock on the wall.

They were five minutes later than what we had agreed... shit.

I knew that I shouldn't be worrying and that Kian would make sure Dylan was okay, but, my brain was still going to that place.

Then I could hear voices outside before the door suddenly opened to reveal Dylan and Kian, who was in the middle of a story, as they came into the shack.

"Oh, he was in complete denial..." Kian laughed, stopping as he saw me waiting for them.

"You're late," I said as Dylan shut the door behind them.

"Sorry, it was my fault, I lost track of the time," Kian replied sheepishly "We got a good session in today though. I think that Dylan will be trained up in no time."

Dylan looked down at the floor but looked up hopefully as Kian said how well he was doing.

Honestly, I was proud of him. I was. He had taken being turned into a vampire better than I had taken being turned into a werewolf, but, there were moments where I still couldn't look him in the eye. The image of him biting into our dad's neck still haunted me, and it was something that I knew hurt him more than he would ever let me see.

"Let's just try and make the most of this time, eh?" I said changing the subject "The others will be here soon."

"Good point," Kian said heading to the fridge. He grabbed a bag of blood, and two glasses, and then poured some vodka into his glass before handing the other to Dylan.

"Don't I get vodka in mine?" Dylan asked looking at his glass of blood.

"Don't push your luck," I said cutting him off "You might be immortal now, but you're still only thirteen."

"Your brother is right," Kian said slightly reluctantly "He's just looking out for you."

Dylan looked at me and stuck out his tongue, I caught a glimpse of his fangs as he did, before a knock on the door stopped any chance I had to retort.

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