Chapter 38 Time To Go

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So it was finally the day the animatronic's leave the house. I'm kinda sad but I mean I know they probably miss the kids, to entertain them. I mean I would if had a job like that, to entertain people.

"Hey Buttercup the animatronic's are in their boxes already we just need to wait for the people to get them." Liam said as I just looked at him and nodded. "Ha what's with the long face Buttercup." Liam laughed as he sat on the bed.

I looked at him and sat up to face him. "It's just that 2 months went by quick, and I know that they are still here in their boxes but I miss them already. I-its going to feel weird without them being here." I explained.

"Don't worry you'll start work soon and you'll get to see them again ok." Liam said as he patted my shoulder.

"I guess so." I sighed.

Me and Liam left to go downstairs to wait for the people to pick them up. As we waited we watched TV with Gregory.

~time skip~

"Ok well they're gone now. I guess now we just clean up the rooms they used and the mess they made for us." Liam rolled his eyes.

"Yup." I replied.

Cleaning the rooms wasn't bad until we got to the boys room. That shit was dirty. I mean pillows on the floor bedsheets on floor food and just yea. That shit killed both me and Liam but we managed. After a while it was time to get our sleep schedules back to normal since we'll we still got night shifts tonight since they plan on reopening the plex tomorrow.

"Hey I'm off to sleep ok Buttercup see you later." Liam smiled and left to his room.

I smiled and got my things ready so I can shower since I felt nasty honestly. After my shower I got into comfy clothes since I don't plan on wearing my work clothes later on. After that u got my alarms ready and went to sleep.

~time skip~


"Well I don't miss that." I chuckled to myself.

As I got up I went to go find my shoes since that was my last thing ti put on before leaving with Liam to the plex.

"Hey Buttercup, you ready to go to work." Liam said tiredly.

"I am but, i will certainly not miss my alarms." I laughed.

Before leaving I made sure that everything was locked in the house since Gregory was going to be alone until 6 am. After seeing that everything was ok me and Liam left to the plex.

"Well then let's hit the road then." Liam said as he enterd the car.

"Yup let's hit the road." I smiled and got in the car.

The drive to the plex was quick and calm. Once getting there the first person outside was our boss. Me and Liam got out the car getting greeted by him.

"Liam! L/n! How you two been?" Mr. Williams questioned you both.

"Good good." I smiled and Liam nodded.

"Well then that's awesome to hear. Well just wanted to say animatronic's are clean so you two just have to walk around the plex and keep a look out for anything weird ok." Mr. Williams said.

"Yea ok that's good then." I said.

"Alrighty then I'll leave you two to it see you later." Mr.Williams said and left.

"Well then shall we." Liam said to me.

"Yes we shall." I smiled.

We both entered the plex and walked to the security office to stay there for a bit. Me and Liam got our watches to tell the others were already here, so just in case they wanted to see us.

"Well I don't miss this." Liam said as he spun on the chair.

"Oh come on, we just started work again." I laughed as I observed the cameras.

"Eh I guess so." Liam sighed.

Time went by of watching the cameras over and over again and we decided to go check on the animatronic's.

"I'll take Freddy Bonnie and Roxy and you take the others." I said and Liam nodded.

"Then we can check up on Sun and Moon." Liam said and I smiled.

I went to check on Roxy first but she wasn't in her room.

"What the?." I said and left her room. When I got out Liam was outside too.

"She's not in her room either." Liam said.

"No what the others." I asked him.

"Nope nothing." Liam said.

Me and Liam walked around the plex looking for them and nothing.

"Where else could they be at?" I questioned Liam.

"Not sure and we left our fucking watches too." Liam groaned.

"Ugh let's just check on Sun and Moon then." I said and he nodded.

Me and Liam walked all the way to the daycare. After getting there the lights were off which was weird.

"Um souldnt the lights be on?" Liam questioned me.

"Yea they should." I said as I opened the doors to the daycare.

"SURPRISE!!" The others yelled.

"Ahh!" Me and Liam yelled.

"What the fuck." Liam said.

"Welcome back to work!" Chica said happily while hugging me and Liam.

"But what's so welcoming about combing back to work though." Liam said.

"Well since you guys haven't been here in awhile might as well celebrate for coming back." Monty said.

"Yea true, well thanks guys we really appreciate this." I smiled.

"Of course Superstar." Freddy said as he hugged you.

"Hmm." I hummed as I smiled.

As the night went by we all hanged out in the daycare with everyone. We ate, played and told funny stories to pass time. After a while it was almost time for both Liam and I to go so we helped clean up the daycare and cleaned up the animatronic's. We made sure they were clean, working and to make sure nothing was wrong.

"Ok well that's that guys. Well see ya tonight again." Liam said.

"Yea we might stay though for the grand re-re-opening." I laughed.

"Of course so we should put you guys back in your rooms." Liam said.

Me and Liam walked the animatronic's back to their rooms and made sure the room was clean too. After that we were about to leave when we bumbed into the boss and Vanessa.

"Hey you two." Mr. Williams said.

"Hey boss, Vanessa." Me and Liam said and Vanessa smiled.

"Ok um quick questioned which one of you two would like to stay and help out Vanessa a bit for today's opening?" Mr.Williams said.

"We both can help it wouldn't bother us." I said.

"Yea Buttercups right we don't mind helping." Liam said.

"Wonderful! Ok well l/n I k own you got a younger brother so if you want you can go bring him so he isnt alone and all at your guy's house." Mr. Williams said.

"Of course thank you sir." I said and he smiled.

"Well I'll stay with Vanessa go get Gregory well start with everything while we wait for you ok." Liam said.

"Thanks I won't take long." I smiled and left to go get Gregory

(A/n Hello everyone another chapter done I hope you all enjoyed it and I hope it wasnt boring or anything. But I am sorry for not posting but I'm still taking a break I just kinda wanted to post this small chapter. I'll try my best to update this I won't leave it unfinished ok so yea and I hope you guys have a wonderful night or day ill se you I'm the next!!)

 (Glamrock Freddy x reader) Am I Dreaming or is this Real?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя