Chapter 16 Meeting Moon

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"Ughh I wanna sleep again no more of this please." I groaned

"Heyyy buttercup guess what day it is today." Liam said bursting through the door

"Ughmmmm I dont know Liam Tuesday what else.....wait I get to meet Moon ooooo I get to meet the Moon like actually the Moon ahhhhhh." I cheered with excitement

"Yup you get to meet le Moon man in person today while I have to clean and scan the glamrock's yay." Liam said sarcastically

"Oh goodie I wonder if he really is that grumpy you know hopefully he likes me too." I said

"Uh huh well let's hope he dont mix you up with a teenager ey." Liam laughed

"Heyy I'm not that short ok 5'1 is perfectly fine for my height and age." I said

"Uh huh for like a 15 16 year old." Liam laughed

"Oh shut it what time is it right now?"

"It is currently 3:00 in the afternoon." Liam said

"Wow how long was I asleep for then."

"Well from 6 to now like 9 hours of sleep I woke up around 1 1:30." He said

"Well at least I'm getting sleep and my eye bags aren't bad like before." I said looking at a mirror

"Yup you look alive and not some walking corpse." Liam teased

"Haha very funny let's go downstairs already." I said leaving the room

"Alright fine let's go downstairs also I'm hungry I haven't eaten I waited for you to get up." Liam said following behind

"Oh ok well we can just eat cereal and go to the plex right after or you wanna stay home today and be lazy shits with Gregory and Lucky." I said grabbing a bowl and cereal

"Well I dont mind on what we do like we can just stay here like you said or the plex but at the same time the kids are pretty annoying and Gregoey is lucky that he ain't that annoying." Liam said pouring the milk in yours and his bowl

"Hey I'm not annoying at all what you mean?" Gregory said

"No buddy your not annoying Liam was just kidding thas all right Liam." I said nudging liam

"Yep I was just kidding haha why would you be annoying." liam said rolling his eyes

"Ok whatever imma play the vr." Gregory said while going to the living room

"Ugh I wish we can go through time to make it night already." I said

"Well that's not how it works buttercup we just gotta wait also doesn't Gregory like need to go to school or sum cause he still a kid?"  Liam said

"Yeaaa I know but there really isnt one close bye I think well he hasn't gone to school for a year I believe it ain't that bad." I said

"A year...ain't that bad...y/n he needs his education what you mean?" Liam said

"Uh hehe well I mean we can still enroll him. you know but who will pick him up you know who will drop him off and I dont think he'll like it." I said

"Uh huh whatever Gregory come here buddy we gotta talk to you." Liam said

"Aw man I was playing." Gregory said

"I dont care get your little ass over here." Liam said

"Ah Liam dont be mean." I said

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