Chapter 15

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Walking past a dauntless member's body Issy picked up a guy and a knife as she didn't have one, the rest of the group doing the same.

The group of 5 made their way to the tram station and got onto the train.

Ivan and Issy were leaning on one wall whereas Crystal, Ryan and Marcus were leaning on the other.

"Get ready," Issy told the group as her father puts the gun away from that Crystal is holding away from his face.

"What now," Ryan speaks up.

"You're not gonna like it," Issy presses the button that opens the doors.

Issy goes to the other side of the cart and jumps out, Ivan following her.

The three of them realise they had to do the same even if they didn't want to.

Marcus rolls over as he lands and dusts himself off.

They all get up and start running towards the edge.

They all look over the edge at the hole in the ground and then darkness. She's reminded of her first day at dauntless, where she had to jump off.

Issy stands up onto the ledge of the wall
"There's a net at the bottom, don't think just jump," and with that Issy jumps off.

Issy didn't know entirely if they still kept the net up but she was willing to take that risk if it meant helping four.

She hits the net and bounces straight back up, Issy rolls off the net and waits for the next person.

To her surprise it was Crystal, she let out a gasp and she was sent flying back up but Issy had already pulled the net down causing Crystal to roll off, just like Four had done when she jumped.

Next, her father jumped and then Marcus, Issy did the same with them, pulling the net down and then rolling off.

Ivan was the last to jump down.

"Everyone good," she checked up on the group.

They all gave a nod and with that Issy and Ivan started running.

"Let's go," she called out.

Issy was in front of the group, watching Peter patrol the chasm making sure nobody got in or out.

"Wait here," Issy told them keeping her gun aimed at Peter.

She came up behind him and kicked his left causing him to fall forward and drop his gun.

He turns around and puts his hand up at the sight of Issy.

"Against the wall, now,"

Peter didn't move until Issy shoved him.

"How are you awake?" She asked him.

"Cause I'm smarter than you," he said hands still up in the air.

"And they need me," he smirked.

"Where are they controlling it from?"

"Why would I tell you that, it's not like you're gonna shoot me," Peter said nodding towards the gun.

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