chapter six: shameless

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Ever since her date with Bucky, Lilly hasn't been able to stop thinking about him. The fluttering in her chest and stomach that she always felt in high school has come back in full force. She can't stop thinking about his eyes, his hands, the way his hips always felt against her own.

A few nights she had dreams about Bucky that had her waking up sweating and soaking her panties. Lilly hasn't gotten laid in a while and right now she has to cross her legs just from the look Bucky's giving her.

"What time is it? Damn it! I need to get down to the Italian market on 27th for that lasagna tonight," May exclaims frantically.

Her and Peter are just alike, chaotic and always thinking a million things at once.

"Don't worry May, I'll clean up here," Lilly replies.

"You're a doll, thank you."

May squeezes Lilly's knee as she rushes to get her bag. She sends them both a wave on the way to the elevator.

As the door closes, Bucky looks around and places the water bottle and his sunglasses on the counter. He walks over to where Lilly is seated, running a hand up the exposed pale skin of her thigh.

"Did you wear this skirt for me?" Bucky asks, running his tongue over his bottom lip as he plays with the fabric.

Lilly snorts. She opens her legs just a little, letting Bucky stand between them. Now both of his hands have taken a spot on her thighs, long fingers pressing into soft skin.

"It's hot out there, Barnes. Didn't want to sweat," Lilly exhales, voice wavering as Bucky leans in. He runs his nose along Lilly's cheekbone. Her heart is hammering in her chest, brain unable to form a complete thought.

"I missed you. Been thinkin' about how soft you are, how good you smell..."

Bucky takes a step forward, pressing himself in between Lilly's legs. She runs a hand over his cheekbones.

Lilly thought it would be weird, being back with Bucky but it's like no time has passed. The past two years have just been a blur, a speed bump in the road. She told him he better not fuck it up. So far, Bucky has surpassed all her expectations.

"Your face looks better, not as black and blue."

Bucky winces slightly as her fingers delicately skim the bridge of his nose.

"Kinda sore though," he says.

His ocean eyes flicker from Lilly's mouth to her eyes and back again. She sees a flash of mischief in them as Bucky reaches over the counter. He grabs one of the strawberries off the tart and holds it in front of Lilly's mouth.

Without speaking or taking her eyes from Bucky's, Lilly pulls the fruit into her mouth. Her plump lips skim his fingertips and Bucky's breath hitches in his throat. His mouth went dry the moment he walked in and saw her in this skirt, like she was placed on the counter just for him.

She swallows the strawberry as Bucky leans forward.

"We're not alone here, Mr. Barnes," Lilly murmurs before he can make contact, running her fingers along the collar of his shirt.

Bucky groans, the nickname making all the blood rush down to between his legs.

He steps closer, gripping the back of her neck with his hand. Steel blue eyes burn a hole into hers. It always feels like he's looking into her brain, her soul, when Bucky stares at her like this.

"What's gotten into you?" Lilly asks, putting her hands on the back of his neck.

Bucky shrugs. He looks at every part of her face, brushing a stray hair from her cheek.

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