If I had a dick.

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Every morning I wake up, longing and hoping for a long smoking hot schmeat in my pants.Not in my coochie but where my coochie is.I want to replace it for a juicy cock.I have a list of what I'd do if I had a dick I'll give you a little bit of it...

If I had a dick I would
Massage it
Suck it
Jerk it
Wiggle it
Fight with it
Lick it
Shove it
Use it as a dildo
Type with it
Take pics of it
Have sex with it
Stroke my balls
Choke on it
Buy wrings for it
Marry it
Propose to it
Fight it
Accessorise it
Dress it up
Film it

And so much more..

It's all true.I want a dick and I'd do so much If I had a dick.

~ Nancy 🍑

If I had a dick..Where stories live. Discover now