Chapter twelve

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I sat on the floor of the berg, breathing heavily. I felt a searing pain in my side and upper leg. I lifted my shirt a little and saw a severe burn. I assumed there was another on the spot of my leg that was hurting.

I pulled my shirt over the burn and leaned my head against the wall. We need... food. We are exhausted. The fire was too much for us.

"Sorry, venom. I don't think there's any food here. We'll... get some food when we get to the safe haven," I whispered under my breath. If we make it to the safe haven.

"Shut... up... venom," I whispered weakly. Thankfully, venom didn't say anything. I think venom's to tired. Well, so am I. I felt my eyes begin to close. I was so tired, weak, hungry, and in pain. I just needed to rest. I closed my eyes and immediately fell into a deep sleep.

~time skip~

My eyes slowly opened and I saw that I was on a stretcher in a tent. I tried to sit up, but saw that there were several wires stuck in my arms.

I looked around and saw three other people on stretchers. Thomas, Teresa, and Newt. I rested my head back on the stretcher and looked up at the top of the tent. A few minutes later, Thomas woke up and walked out of the tent before I could say anything.

"Hey Y/n," Teresa said weakly from her stretcher. I smiled and turned my head to face her. This reminded me of the moment we first met. But these were better circumstances.

"Hey, Teresa. Feeling okay?" I ask. She nods.

"Yeah. I have the cure," She said. My eyes widen.

"You still have it? It didn't break or anything? You didn't lose it?" I ask. She smiles and shakes her head.

"Last I checked it was in my pocket. These people might've taken it though. If I did lose it, I know how to make more," She says. I smile. Someone walks into the tent.

"Glad to see you two are awake. Teresa, hope you don't mind but we took the cure from your pocket while you were asleep. We injected it into Newt's bloodstream and he should be waking up soon. You're free to go, Teresa. Y/n, I need to talk with you," The lady said.

"Can I stay here for now? Y/n's probably the only person who doesn't hate me. I don't want to go out there without her," Teresa spoke shyly. The woman smiled and nodded.

"Of course. Now, Y/n. We don't really know a whole lot about that parasite but it was extremely weak when you got here. We managed to get it out of you but it was incredibly weak and started dying without you, so we returned him back to your body. We then injected some fluids you were deprived of and gave you a lot of food and water. For the next few days you need to drink around five to eight glasses of water and three full meals a day in order to regain the nutrients you lost. You understand? You'll also need to check in with us before sundown every night, so we can make sure everything is still okay. Got it?" The woman stated. I nodded.

The woman unhooked the wires attached to me. I got up with Teresa and we walked outside to the safe haven. Teresa looked around anxiously, falling a little behind me. I turned to her and hung back with her.

"Hey, It'll be okay. Just stuck with me," I say.

"Y/n, they'll never forgive me. They hate me,"  Teresa spoke.

"You don't know that. They may forgive you. I bet Thomas will. And you could try and make new friends? I'm sure it won't be as bad as you think," I say.

~Time skip~

We all sat around a large bonfire as Vince began his speech.

"We have come a long way together. So many have sacrificed so much... to make this place possible.
Your friends and your family. So here's to the ones who couldn't be here. Here's to the friends we lost. This place is for you. It's for all of us. But this, this is for them. So, in your own time, in your own way, come make your peace. And welcome to the safe haven!" Vince exclaimed.

Everyone began cheering. Some people began to walk up to the large stone and carve the names of those they lost. Teresa and I walked up. I handed the knife to Teresa, who shakily took it, and carved the name Bella. As she carved the name, her last words popped into my head. Tell Gally I said hi. How did she know him? I guess I'll just have to ask.

"Hey, Teresa, I need to talk to someone. I'll be right back. Just, I don't know, make some friends or stand by the beach by yourself if you're not ready to face people yet. I'll be right back though, okay?" I say. She nods and sits by the fire while I go look for Gally.

"Gally, hey! Can I talk to you for a second?" I say once I find him. He nods and walks over to me.

"Hey. That girl that fell into the fire. The blonde? Her name was Bella. Do you know her?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"No. She looked familiar though. Why?" He asked.

"Well... her last words were 'Tell Gally I said hi' I thought maybe you knew her..." I said.

"Huh... maybe I knew her before the maze. I mean, WICKED wiped my memories. It's very possible," Gally said. I nod.

"Yeah... I'll talk with Teresa. She was friends with Bella, maybe she mentioned something about you to her?" I suggest. He nods.

"Yeah. You go talk to her, let me know what she says," He replies.

"You don't want to come?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"No. I don't want to talk to her right now. I wasn't there, but I know what she did. I just need some time," He said. I nod and find Teresa.

"Hey, Teresa. Um, you were friends with Bella, right?" I ask. She nods.

"Yeah, she was my roommate. Why?" She asks.

"Well, her last words were Tell Gally I said hi. Did she mention anything about him? Any friends that went into the maze?"

"No. She mentioned that her mom was a close friend of Ava Paige's. That Ava didn't want her or her brother to go into the Maze Trials, but her brother was put in anyway and she became a guard. Nothing else about her life outside of being a WICKED guard. No friends or anything. Sorry," She said.

  "It's okay... did she mention who her brother was?" I ask. Teresa shook her head. "Okay, thanks." I walk back to Gally.

"What'd she say?" He asks.

"She had a brother who was taken into the maze. That's all she told Teresa. Sorry," I say. He nods.

"Okay... well, thanks," He said. I nod and smile sadly.

"No problem. Wait... you were in the maze, right?" I ask. He nods. "What if... yeah, It totally makes sense!" I exclaim. Gally looks at me, confused.

"Sorry, what makes sense?" He asks.

"She said Bella's brother was sent into the maze. Then she mentions you in her last words?!? You even look similar! What if you are the brother Bella said was sent into the maze?!? That would explain everything!" I exclaim.

"Makes sense... so... I could be her brother?" He asks in disbelief. I nod. "Oh my gosh... I have a sister?" I mutters in disbelief. After a few minutes, I walk back over to Teresa.

"Y/n?!? Oh my lord you're finally awake!!!" I heard someone yell. Before I could look to see who it was, I was tackled in a hug. After I was let go, I looked to see who attacked me.

"Cathy!!!" I exclaim. I look behind her to see Ana and Eli. They soon engulf Cathy and I in a hug.

"Don't ever leave like that again!" Eli exclaimed.

"I'll try not to," I laugh.

My Curse {Newt x reader} [book 2 of 2]Where stories live. Discover now