Chapter 4

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January 2019
Expecting his school year to end peacefully, Yiro still hooks up with Rachel, he never stops staring at her. He was forced to clean the whole school past dismissal time. His parents grounded him for even longer times. They wanted him to move on from Rachel but he didn't listen. His grades are still in the 90s and he is still on the honors list. But he did all the weird things in school.

February 2019
It was Valentine's 2019 and he gave gifts to Rachel even though his relations with her are so neutral. He then starts playing Hearts of Iron IV during weekends and studies between playtime. He would be on the honors list with an average grade of 90.63.

March 2019
Anxiety roots up in Yiro as he is going on vacation for summer. He then improves his relations with Rachel by apologizing to her for all the weird things he did to her in Grade 7. Then he was eligible for the moving-up ceremony. Then he made what was the so-called "speech" which turns out to be a big lie throughout the whole school because his mindset is still perverted. His speech goes like this:

"I must have been the so-called ' Weirdo Nerd' in this school but I went up with my high grades, even though I have to face repercussions of my past doings, I wish I can seek the truth about my 'relationship' with Rachel. With my YouTube channel hitting 1,000 subscribers, I just hoped that everyone should subscribe to me. I played a lot of games and do a lot of vlogging. Any entertainment is what I do on YouTube. To those who are seeking the future, don't worry about it, the future is unpredictable, and anything can happen through God's will." - Yiro Keonel

School year 2019-2020 (Yiro in Grade 8) next chapter

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