The Medicine Cat Code

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A medicine cat leads a different life than the other cats in a Clan and is expected to follow an additional code.

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1. A medicine cat cannot take on a mate.
2. A medicine cat cannot have kits.
3. A medicine cat will never let personal feelings in the way of his or her duties.
4. Medicine cats are outside Clan and Clan rivalry.
5. Medicine cats cannot reject an injured cat.
6. A medicine cat must do everything in his or her power to save a sick or injured cat.
7. A medicine cat will give his or her life to save a cat.

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There are many variations on this code, but these are the basic rules. The first three are in place to prevent the medicine cat from favouring their patients, instead focusing on the entire Clan. Rules four and five make medicine cats the intermediaries in times of conflict and, as a result, makes them pacifists (though this is not always the case). The final two ensure that a medicine cat follows their duty, given to them by StarClan.

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