Chapter 17

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Previously on Chapter 16

I choke out a sob. I I turn bury my face in the crook of Mike's neck. Eleven pulls Max into a hug, trying to comfort her. I keep crying as Mike holds me close. If only I'm strong enough... if only I can control myself faster. I could have prevent this from happening. I am so useless.

-Finally Free-


I turn my head to where the monster is laying. "I think they succeed in closing the gate" I said, in a soft voice. Mike still holds me in his arms. He looks at me with a worried gaze.

"How are you feeling, Y/N? With the gate closed and such. You're not gonna collapse on me again like last time, right?" He said. I let out a soft laugh and shake my head. "I'm fine, Mike... I'm just exhausted" I said. He let out a sigh of relief. He turns his head and his face turns into worry again.

"You're bleeding again..." he said. I turn my head to see the wound on my leg starts to bleed again. I turn to look at Mike. My vision starts to get blurry. "Stay awake, Y/N.. you said you won't collapse on me" he said, panicking. I just give him a weak smile.

The medic rushes inside the mall. Mike picks me up in his arms. He place me on the stretcher. They start to push me outside the building, and towards one of the ambulance. They start to attach me to the medic machine.

I feel a hand slipping into mine. I open my eyes to see Mike. He give me a soft smile when he sees me opening my eyes. I give him a weak one, while still wearing the oxygen mask.

"You'll be okay, Y/N..." he said, placing a hand on my head. "Yeah. Hopefully..." I said, nodding my head. I wince when I feel the doctor treating the wound on my leg. I tighten my grip on Mike's hand in respond. He caress my hand, as an attempt to sooth me.

I feel another hand holding mine. I turn my head to see Eleven. "Hey, sis..." she said. I feel tears starting to build up in my eyes. I move my hand from Mike's hand, moving it close to my face. I try to remove the mask from my face.

"Y/N, stop... you need it" he said, holding my hand to stop me from moving it. I shake my head. "I need to speak..." I said. He lets out a sigh and allows me to remove the mask.

I turn to look at Eleven. "I'm s-sorry, E-El... y-you g-got caught b-b-because of me..." I said, bursting into tears. She shakes her head. She place her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't blame you, Y/N. You were not yourself. I know the real you would never do that..." she said, smiling softly at me. She moves closer and wrap her arms around me. I gently wrap my arms around her.

I start to breathe heavily. "Here... put this back on" Mike said, as he quickly place the oxygen mask back on my face. He caress my hair softly. "It's okay, Y/N... just breathe" he said. I take sharp inhale, trying to get the oxygen back to my lungs.

My breathing slowly evened out. "Good?" Mike said. I nod my head, making him smile softly. He lift my hand, placing a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. "You kept ending up getting connected to medical machine after something happened. Why do you kept on scaring me..." he said. I look at him with an apologetic gaze.

"As long as you're okay in the end, it's fine" he said, smiling at me. He slowly leans down and place a soft kiss on my forehead, with his hand still on my head. I just smile at him in return.

"We're going to have to take Y/N to the hospital. We have to make sure her condition is stable before she can resume her activities" the doctor said. Mike just nods his head. "Just do whatever is best for her..." he said. The doctor smiles and nods his head.

Eleven walks over to me. She looks like she's been crying. "El?" I said, in a weak voice. She walks up to me and place her head on my shoulder, crying. I lift my hand and gently place it on her head.

"Hopper... he's gone" she said, sobbing softly. My eyes widened at what she said. I burst into tears at what she told me. Dad's gone? I've lost my parent... again. First my mother, now my dad.

I tighten my arms around Eleven. She buries her face into the crook of my neck. Mike continues to caress my head. Why... every time I thought I can finally have a real family and be happy, only for it to be taken away from me.

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my chest. I let go of Eleven and starts to scream at top of my lungs from the pain. Tears start to stream down my cheeks due to the pain. My body feels like it's on fire.

Mike P.O.V

Y/N suddenly starts screaming again. "Y/N!" I said. She keeps on screaming at top of her lungs. I cup her cheeks. "What happened, Y/N?" I said. "My body... it burns!!" She yelled.

Eleven pulls away from Y/N, looking at her with a panic face. "Y/N... what's wrong?" She said, both of her hands on Y/N's shoulders. Tears streams down my cheeks from the sound of her scream. She looks so in pain. What's going on with her body.

She opens her mouth and black smokes comes out of it. I jump back slightly, watching the smoke leave her body. It flew to the sky and gathers there. Suddenly, it explodes.

"It's the mind Flayer. It looks just like when it left Will's body. Looks like finally leave her" Nancy said, as she walks towards us. I just nod my head. Which means Y/N can finally be free from her bond with the Upside Down.

Y/N finally calms down, after the smoke vanishes. I move forward, placing my hand on her head again. Her breathing slowly evened out. I gently cup her cheeks.

"Y/N?" I said. She slowly open her eyes. She turns to look at me. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked. "Never better..." she said. I let out a sigh of relief. She lift her hand to remove the oxygen mask. I quickly grab her hand, afraid that she might start to have a hard time to breathe.

"I'm okay, Mike... really" she said. I hesitantly let her hand go. She remove the oxygen mask and smiles at me. "See? I'm perfectly fine..." she said. I just let out a sigh of relief and smiles at her. She moves to sit up. I wrap my arms around her in a tight hug.

I was so worried that I might lose her again. Thank God that she's alright. She means everything to me. I can't imagine what will happen if I have to lose her. But she's going to be alright now. She's finally free.

*to be continued*

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