Chapter 16

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Previously on Chapter 15

"Y/N... breathe, Y/N. Come on!" I said. Her screams slowly dies down. She fall limp in my arms. Her eyes close as she lay still. I lift my hand and gently pat her cheek. "Y/N... Y/N, come on! Wake up!" I said.


-The Monster Inside Of Me-

Mike P.O.V

"Y/N. Come on, Y/N... come on! Wake up!" I said. I keep shaking her. But no matter how much I try to wake her, she is just not waking up.

I turn my head to look at Eleven. "What's wrong with her?" I said. She shakes her head, letting me know that she also have no idea. I turn to look at Y/N, as I finally feel her move.

"Y/N?" I said. Her eyes slowly moves. She slowly open her eyes. She looks at me. But her eyes looks cold and empty. They slowly turn all black.

Like the one I saw when we're at the hospital to save Nancy and Jonathan

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Like the one I saw when we're at the hospital to save Nancy and Jonathan. She slowly move to sit up.

She turns to look at me. She lift her hand and wrap her fingers around my neck. "What are you doing?" I said. Her hand tightens around my neck. I start to make a choking sound. She slowly stands up and lift me off the ground.

"Y/N! What are you doing? Snap out of it! That's Mike!" Max said. Eleven runs forward. She tries to pull Y/N away. But as Y/N lift her hand, Eleven got send towards the wall. The impact instantly knocks her out.

I can hear the sound of footsteps. I turn my head to see Billy. Y/N smirk at the sight of him. "Take her to my father..." she said. My eyes widened at what Y/N just said. Max try to stop Billy.

"Billy, stop! Your name is Billy Hargrove. You ca-" she tries to said. But Billy just knocks to the side. She hits herself against the wall and passed out. Billy picks Eleven by her ankle and start dragging her.

"No! Don't touch her... you filthy monster!" I yelled. I turn to look at Y/N, who's still holding me by my neck. I stare at her with pleading eyes. "Y/N... that's your sister! Please don't do this..." I pleaded. She let out a laugh at what I said.

"You human are so stupid... you expect me to love people like you? You're weak and pathetic" she said, in a cold tone. She sounded so different. This isn't Y/N. It's the monster inside of her. What should I do?

"Y-Y/N... p-please. This isn't y-you..." I said, while clutching her hands. "How do you know who I am? This IS who I am..." she said. She throws me to the wall. I let out a groan of pain from the impact.

"N-No... the real Y/N isn't like this. She will never hurt me. Hurt her friends. She always protected us" I said. "What would you know?!" She yelled. "I know... because she's my girlfriend. It's true that we're on a break. But she's still my girl" I said. She shakes her head. She falls on her knees.

"Claim who you are, Y/N. This is your body. Claim it! Don't let a monster take control over you. You're a lot stronger than who you think you are!" I said. She keeps her head down, I can see her body visually shaking.

"Mike..." she said, in a hush voice. She looks up and her eyes revert backs to their normal e/c color. I nod my head. "You are who you want to be, Y/N..." I said, in a soft voice. "I am who I wanna be" she muttered, still looking at me. I nod my head.

"Yes... you are who you wanna be..." I said, looking at her through tears in my eyes. She fall to the side. I force myself to get up. I rush towards her and cup her cheeks.


I open my eyes as I feel hands on both of my cheeks. I can see Mike looking at me with tears in his eyes. I can feel my own tears swelling up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry... I'm a monster" I said, looking at him in sadness. He shakes his head. "No, Y/N. Even though you lost control. You found yourself again..." he said, smiling softly at me.

He helps me sit up. He wraps his arms around me. I lean my head on his shoulder, hugging him tightly. Max wakes up and turn to look at me.

"I'm so sorry, Max. I didn't mean to hurt you" I cried out. She shakes her head. She stands up and makes her way towards me. She kneels down next to us and wraps her arms around us.

"You were not in control over your action Y/N..." she said. I choke out a sob as I wrap my arm around her too. I start to cry softly, regretting my action earlier. I've hurt the people I love. What's worse is that I let Billy take Eleven. Eleven! Oh no...

"Eleven..." I said, pulling away from Mike and Max. Their eyes widened in realization. I quickly get up and we run towards the mall. I let out a gasp when I see Billy protecting Eleven from the monster. The monster grabs his side. He got lifted off the ground and screams. The monster's tentacle punctures him on his chest.

"No!!!" Max yelled out. I feel surge of anger flowing through my body. I run forward and lift my hand. I am who I wanna be... I'm stronger than what I think. I will kill this monster!

A bright light appear from my hand. The monster drops Billy on the ground. I let out a scream as I close my hand. The monster screams in pain as I tightly squeeze him. It stumbles backward and falls on the ground. I watch as the life leaves it's eyes.

I breathe heavily and drops on my knees. Mike runs towards me. "Y/N!" Mike yelled. I turn to look at him. "Mike..." I said. He kneels down in front of me. "Are you okay?" He said. I nod my head as I cup his cheeks, tears streams down my cheeks. He buries his face in the crook of my neck.

"Billy? Billy! Please... wake up!" Max said. I turn my head to see Billy. He's breathing is slowing down. He won't make it. No one will survive injuries that bad. Even if I try to heal him. It's useless.

I choke out a sob. I I turn bury my face in the crook of Mike's neck. Eleven pulls Max into a hug, trying to comfort her. I keep crying as Mike holds me close. If only I'm strong enough... if only I can control myself faster. I could have prevent this from happening. I am so useless.

*to be continued*

I Am Who I Wanna Be (Mike Wheeler X Reader) Book 3 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin