Chapter 5

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Previously on Chapter 4

"What is it?" She said. "We can... spy on them to see what they're up to right now..." I said. Her eyes lit up at what I said. "We can? Really?" She said, excitedly. I grin at her excitement and nod my head. Oh... this will be fun~

-Something's Not Right-


I sit down in front of Eleven. She will be using her power to get into the void. While I use my mind-reading to go where she is.

"Is this really going to work?" Max said. I turn to her and nod my head. "Oh shit! This is insane!" She said. "Max" Eleven said. "Okay, shutting up now" she said. I let out a soft chuckle. "Okay, El... I'm ready when you are..." I said. She nods her head and covers her eyes. I close my eyes as I focus on Eleven's mind.

The Void

I open my eyes and realize I'm inside the void. I turn to look at El, who's standing next to me. She smiles and me and walks forward. I follow her. I can see the boys in front of us.

Mike and Lucas are talking about what happened, while Will... well, he's arranging the table to play D&D. I miss playing that game with them. Back when everything was normal. When I'm not some sort of fugitive because of those bad people.

"I see them..." Eleven said. I turn to look at her in confusion. But soon realize she's probably letting Max know. We walk closer to the boys.

"I don't understand. What did I do to deserve this?" Mike said. "Nothing! That's why you're the victim here" Lucas said. I scoff at what he said. "Why is she treating me like this? What did I do wrong? What did I do wrong??" He said repeatedly. "Mike. Do I have to go through this again?" Lucas said. Mike ignore his protest and keeps complaining how he's the victim.

"Mike, stop. Relax okay? Stop asking rational question..." Lucas said. "I know... I know. You're right. You're right. Women act on emotion and not logic" he said. He did not just... ugh! I can't stand this guy!

"True... it's like they're a totally different species" Lucas said. "Oh he did not!" I yelled out. Lucas stumbles backward at what I said. "Oh God... you okay?" Mike said, sitting up a little. Lucas stands up and nods his head.

"Yeah. I don't know what happened. Like something was pulling at me. But eh... maybe it's just me being clumsy..." he said. Mike nods his head and lay back down.

"Guys, it's ready!" Will said. Lucas sigh, rubbing his butt as he turns to look at Will. "Will... not now" he said. "They broke up with you. What is there to talk about?" Will said. "Tons! Okay... tons" Lucas said. "Yeah... we're trying to solve the great mystery of the female species" Mike said. He suddenly lets out a loud burp. "Eww..." I said.

Mike lets out a chuckle. "Dude... you can smell the nachos cheese" he said. Lucas stares at him for a while and smirks. "I got that beat..." he said. Mike and Will instantly realize what he's talking about. "No... Lucas, no!" Will said. "No stop!" Mike said. Lucas lift one leg and starts farting really loudly.

End of Void

I instantly snaps out of the void as Eleven takes off the blindfold. "What happened?" Max said. I turn to look at her and turn to Eleven again. The two of us burst out in laughter. Eleven falls on the ground, still laughing. I throw my head back, laughing. This make Max laughs along too.

I can hear a sound of car. "Quick! Act normal!" I said. The door suddenly burst open, revealing an angry looking dad. "Geez, Dad..." I said. "Yeah, geez!" Eleven said. He looks confused as he stares at the three of us.

"Did you need something?" Max asked. He turns to look at her. "Oh... she's going to stay the night. Is that okay?" I said. He seem to have snapped out of his shock. "Oh, yeah... of course. I'm just going to leave you now" he said. He turns around and close the door.

We decided to continue the fun by doing some game. More specifically, the spinning wheel. "Oh, I can't believe we're doing this!" Max said, excitedly. I just giggle at her.

Eleven spins the arrow and it lands on Ted Wheeler, a.k.a Mike's father. "Oh... boring. Spin it again" he said. "Agains the rules?" El said. "Oh, we make our own rules" she said. El nods her head and spins it again. It landed on Billy Hargrove, Max's older step-brother. Max gives us a warning that if we hear a weird sound, we need to get out of there as soon as possible.

"Hey, El... can you teach me?" I asked, before we get to it. "Teach you... what?" She said, looking at me in confusion. "Teach me how to get into the void..." I said. "Can you?" She said. I think about in and shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know. I mean... we can always try, right? You never know. Maybe I'll be able to. So teach me?"I said. "Hmm.. alright..." she said, nodding her head. She hands the blindfold to me. I cover my eyes and listen to Eleven's instruction. I nod my head and try to focus.

The Void

I open my eyes and realize I'm in the void. "Well... what do you know? I actually did it" I said. That's great! Hold on... I'm coming Eleven said. I wait for a bit. Soon enough, she appear next to me. I grin at her. She smiles at me.

I turn my head and notice Billy. He's crouching in front of something. I can hear whimpering sound. I walk towards him. He slowly turns around and... oh shit! He's actually staring at us! How is that even possible? We're not even in the real world!

End of Void

I take the blindfold off, as El do the same. I give her a worried expression. We both agree on one thing after what we experience. Something's not right. And I don't like this one bit.

*to be continued*

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