chapter 3

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(lol before we start i just wanna say thank you for 27 views on this story im glad you enjoyed those 2 chapters or maybe not but eh its fine either way)

*David wakes up* David: oh today's the day the new councilor will come! *David goes outside* David: good morning camper! today we'll have someone special coming here to visit well more like do counseling around here but yes today is a special day i hope yall are gonna get along with him just fine! Max: shut the fuck up David jeez i even hadn't had coffee this morning and you already saying shit as usual. Neil: jeez max i mean why coffee at this ti- Nikki: shhhh don't say that to max last time someone said that he went bonkers on that kid it was cool seeing max hit him in the fricking face and all blood just eee but im sparing your life here Neil don't say that or else you'll end up like that kid.  David: um okay how about some fun activity today to pass the time while we wait for our new councilor! Max: for all i care you can go suck on di- *Nikki covers max's mouth* Nikki: hahaha good one max but keep that to yourself now lets go have some fun activities! Max: ughhh noooo!!!!!! David: huh? *a new person stands in front of david* ???: oh my bad im sorry for barging in like that heh David: oh its fine you must be the new councilor ???: yes i am my name is Daniel and you must be? David: o-oh my name is David im sorry i got a little distracted Daniel: It's fine now mind showing me where my cabinet is? David: yea follow me this way campers everyone go inside the mess hall where quartermaster is going to serve breakfast! inside the mess hall (is it called mess hall i totally forgot i especially forgot about this book) Max: what the fuck is up with that dude he looks exactly like david *shivers went down Max's spine* Neil: yea now that i think of it don't you think it looks odd? Nikki: i don't know about you guys but this fanatic about what Gwen left seems to be good! Max: what the fuck Nikki that's some gross shit! 

weeeeeeelellllppp that the end of chapter 3 anyways chances i might not post for another whole ass month but eh lol hope you enjoy this book or not anyways byeeeeee 

word count: 423 words

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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