Jump That Train (The Night Shift)

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The landscape rolled by as the train flew down the tracks. Trees passing by as colors began to blend together. Or maybe that was the tears. Or the whiskey.

The vibrating in his pocket finally ceased as the notification joined its brethren in the graveyard that was his unread messages.


TC turned to see an attendant with a cart full of food stopped in the aisle by his seat.

"Uhh, no. Thanks."

The attendant moved on to the next person.

That was the first peaceful interaction he'd had with anyone in the past few weeks. People were constantly getting on his nerves and he would constantly start fights or arguments. He didn't mean to, it just happened.

Well, that actually might be a lie.

Lately, TC's depression, anxiety, and PTSD had been spiking and creating a spiral of constant agitation and... melancholy! That's the word, melancholy. Down in the dumps, depressed, whatever you want to call it, that's what he was feeling all the time. Some times were worse than others, but it wasn't anything a trip to the bar and a bottle of Jack Daniels couldn't fix.

His depression and anxiety had tricked him into thinking everyone hated him, and while some were mad because of his recent behavior, that simply wasn't the case. But the doctor refused to tell anyone what was going on. He didn't want their pity and he deserved their hate.

His phone began vibrating once more, and after wiping his tears, he finally decided to take it out of his pocket.

He had forty-seven unread messages from various people and eighteen missed calls.

The most recent was a text from Jordan, simply reading "come home to me."

Feeling brave, TC decided to open a voicemail from Kenny.

"Hey, man. It's been a week since anyone's heard from you. They're all freaking out. I guess I am, too. I'm just better at hiding it.

"Anyway, don't know where you are, but I know you bought a train ticket. No one else does, though. I think you just need your space, and that's cool. But why don't you jump that train, man? I don't mean this to sound rude, but you need help. You've given twenty years to whiskey and cocaine, so why don't you enjoy some for yourself. I mean, the rails gonna end when your soul gives into the devil's way, so why don't you take it back and end it early, huh?

"Just, come back soon. We miss you. All of us. Bye."

Almost three weeks ago, he'd decided he needed a break from life, so he packed a bag and left, no note, nothing. He got on the nearest train and hasn't turned back yet. He ran scared past the county line and left a noose stock burning bridges far behind. Or so he thought. Apparently, they still want him back.

He'd gotten no messages during the first week, but by the second, his phone started blowing up, and it hadn't stopped since.

Kenny's voicemail had been a few days ago. Based on some texts from Millie, at least the other nurses knew.

Can you kick the train you left here on?

You can't kick the train on your own.

Deciding that Scott couldn't have anything too bad or too nice to say, he decided to open a voicemail from two days ago.

"Hey. Umm, I know we have our differences, but I want you to know that I consider you a friend. If you decide to stay gone, just know you'll never fade out as a memory to any of us.

"Anyway, I'm not sure if I ever told you, but I used to be an alcoholic, long before I met Jordan. An important lesson I learned was that if the bottle don't tip, you'll never be set free, so listen in to the wind as she screams.

"Hope to hear from you soon."

TC looked at the bottle of whiskey in his hands. "I think I've had enough for today." Taking the cork out of his pocket, he jammed it back in before stuffing the bottle back in his bag.

Kenny and Scott were right, as much as TC didn't want to admit it. He knew his friends missed him and he knew he needed to go back, but he wasn't really ready yet.

His friends didn't even notice he was gone for a week! He always tells them if he's taking a day off, especially more than one. They probably didn't even notice he was gone until they needed something from him. Figures.

TC sighed. He'd forced himself not to think about Topher and Jordan, knowing they were the only ones who could convince him to go back. He was planning on going back, anyway, but he didn't know when. He'd never straight up abandon his family like that.

The vet decided he'd listen to one of Drew's voicemails from the day before.

"Hey, man. I know it's been a while and you probably won't listen to this, but I wanted to say I'm sorry."

An apology? That's a new one.

"I should've known that you were slipping. But I didn't and we all got so mad at you. You needed our help and we let you down.

"None of us hate you, man. If anything, we hate ourselves more than we could ever hate you. It was clear you were asking for help in your own messed up way and we all ignored it. We were too consumed in our anger to see it.

"I'm sorry. We miss you. Brianna misses her Uncle Tee. Hope to hear from you, soon."

TC's breath hitched as he tried to fight the tears. He pressed his phone to his mouth to stifle his cries.

Bringing up Brianna was a low blow and they both knew it. Rick and Drew would often drop the teen off so they could go on dates and Brianna and TC got on like a house on fire. A lot of times, Brianna would ask if she could spend a weekend with her Uncle TC.

He hadn't even thought of her since he got on the train. He hoped he hadn't hurt her too badly.

When he finally calmed down, he came to a decision. But first, he needed to listen to Jordan's voicemail from today.

"TC, at this point I should expect you're not coming back, but I can't help but hold out hope. I miss you, Tee. You belong here, with us. Why can't you see? We're all standing here as friends and family. Why can't you hear? All your walls are closing in, screaming loud to jump again."

There was a sigh at the end like she wanted to say something, but decided against it and hung up.

Having made up his mind, TC almost clicked Jordan's contact before deciding on a different approach.

The train pulled to a stop and TC grabbed his bags.

Topher finished writing a prescription for his patient and left the exam room, putting the clipboard back in its spot on the wall.

"Man, clearly you haven't missed me that much. Maybe I should go," a familiar voice with a very familiar Irish accent spoke from behind him.

Turning around, Topher smiled when he saw his best friend standing in the ER, a duffle slung over his shoulder.

"TC!" He yelled, throwing himself at his brother and tackling him to the ground, trapping him in a hug.

"Easy there, Toph."

"You don't get to say that to me! Not after what you just plled. I was so scared, I thought you were gonna result back to old habits and no one would be there to stop you."

TC placed a hand on Topher's back and gave him a few pats. "Gonna be honest, I thought about it. But I realized I didn't want that. I'm ok."

Topher sat up before wiping his tears and standing up, pulling the recently missing doc with him.

TC wiped his own tears before turning to the rest of the ER staff.

Jordan slammed into his chest and wrapped her arms around him, soaking his shirt with her tears.

"I'm ok. I'm home."

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