The Baseball Game

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         Okay, hi. I'm usually not that into AUs for sokeefe (I'm more of an original type of gal) but I saw this story idea on Pinterest and couldn't resist writing a sokeefe version of it  XD
         I didn't wanna put this on the story I'm writing now, so I just made a new book. There is a slight chance I might add more little oneshots, but it's unlikely haha
         So, basically, in this AU, Sophie and Keefe both "hate" each other. Fitz is Keefe's best friend and Biana is Sophie's. Since Biana and Fitz are siblings, they force Sophie and Keefe to do group activities with them all the time. Biana and Fitz take Sophie and Keefe to a baseball game and that's where the story starts off. 

Okie, well, enjoy!

"Ughhh did we have to do this as a group? Why couldn't it just have been you and I, Biana?" Sophie whined.

"Hey, now. Be nice. You can get along with him for a couple hours." Biana said, slapping her arm lightly. 

"Awww c'mon, Foster. I know you secretly don't hate me and have feelings for me." Keefe said, smirking, and using his, as Sophie thought of it, annoying nickname for her. She rolled her eyes, opening her mouth for a comeback.

"Come on, guys. Let's just watch the game. " Fitz interjected. Sophie closed her mouth and crossed her arms. 

About a hour into the game, Biana abruptly stood up. 

"You know, I'm getting kinda hungry. I think I'm going to go get a hotdog or something. Fitz?" Biana said, shooting him a meaningful look. 

"Huh?" Fitz asked, slowly moving his gaze away from the game and to Biana's face. 

"Here, Biana. I'll just go with you." Sophie said, starting to get up. 

"I need Fitz to come with me. He has my money."

"Then have him give it to you. Or I can just pay." 

"Sorry, Sophie, but I need Fitz to come with me."


"Just let her go with Fitz, Foster." Keefe interrupted. 

"Fine." she huffed. "But don't you dare leave me alone with Keefe for too long!"

"Okay, I won't." Biana laughed, pulling Fitz to his feet and running off. Sophie sighed.


"Sooo." Keefe started. 

"So what?" Sophie said, giving him a what the heck look. 

"I don't know. Just trying to make conversation." he said and shrugged. Sophie sighed. 

"Who do you think is going to win?" Keefe said after a few minutes of silence. 

"I don't know, Keefe."

"Why do you hate me?"

"I don't kn- what?" Sophie responded, bewildered. 

"Why do you hate me?" Keefe asked again. 

"I-I don't hate you. You're just...a tad annoying sometimes." 

"That's fair." he said, nodding. 

"Why do you hate me?" 

"Because I thought you hated me." 


They both fell silent. 

"So, I guess it's safe to assume that, since you don't hate me, you have a secret crush on me?" 

"Not a chance." Sohie said, laughing and blushing slightly. 

Sophie and Keefe continued to exchange playful banter with Sophie blushing furiously and Keefe playing it cool. (So kinda closer to how they are in the books, I guess XD)

"Okay, where the heck are Biana and Fitz? It's been 30 minutes, at least! " Sophie said when they called a timeout. 

"Maybe the line was super long." Keefe said, shrugging. 

Sophie's eyes moved to the megatron when she heard a familiar tune playing. 

"Great. It's the kiss cam." Sophie said under her breath, looking down at her feet. Sophie never liked the kiss cam. 

After a few seconds of the music, she heard Keefe's sharp intake of breath. Her eyes darted back to the screen. She gasped and cursed under her breath. The camera was on Keefe and Sophie. 

"No way." Sophie said, crossing her arms and looking straight at the camera. Through the megatron, she saw Keefe look at her and match her position and expression, although she could tell he was trying to suppress a goofy grin.  

When the camera man finally realized they weren't going to kiss, it moved away from them and onto a different couple. Sophie breathed a sigh of relief and unfolded her arms. Keefe just laughed. Sophie rolled her eyes, but smiled at him. Keefe abrubtly stopped laughing. 

"Again?" he asked. Sophie looked back at the camera and it was on them again. When they continued to sit there, like the first time, the camera went away again. 

The camera continued to go to another couple and right back to them. It did this multiple times before Keefe finally stood up. 

"GOSH, PEOPLE! FINE!" he yelled and pulled Sophie up so that she was facing him. Her grabbed her shirt and slammed his mouth onto hers. Sophie was shocked but, after a second started to kiss him back. They both heard hoots and hollers coming from the people around them and Sophie felt Keefe's lips curve into a smirk around hers. They both pulled away to breathe and started laughing. The kiss cam finally left Keefe and Sophie and they sat down. 

"I knew you loved me." Keefe told Sophie, smirking. She just laughed and kissed him again.


Dex held out his hand. 

"Here." Biana said, handing Dex $50. "Thank you for your service. You will forever be known as the camera man who got Sokeefe together."

"You know, I would've done it for free. I ship it as much as you both do." 

"That's fair." Fitz said and Dex grinned. 

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