I started to open my mouth to argue when Mamma jumped right in. "Oh, Siobhan. I almost forgot, but my contract seems to have expired." Everyone looked at her really unable to grasp why she thought now the time was right to say that. I sat back. If I knew my mother, it was that she had a plan.

"We can talk about that later." Siobhan said, "We have a bit more pressing matter at hand."

"Sorry, you must misunderstand me. You see, you're trying to take away my daughter's rights to own her own music. We are proposing a licensing deal and if you do not accept then both of us are off the table." I think everyone's eyes bugged out as Mamma laid down the law. I just smiled. She'd do anything for her family, including walking away from her dream job. "I should also mention that Disaster's Calling's contract is up at the end of the year and I don't think they'd want to renew the deal if they found out you were trying to mess with their niece."

Siobhan paled as she looked over at Tyson who just shrugged helplessly. We'd backed them into a corner and they knew it. "We can do a seven-year licensing deal."

"Three." Mamma countered.

Siobhan looked to Tyson who nodded. "Three years after the release date of each song."

We all shared a look and acknowledged that this was likely one of the best deals we were likely going to get. Andrew was the one who leaned forward, "We can agree to these terms. If you forward the finalized agreements to my office, I will look them over and we can talk about next steps."

"You drive a hard bargain but you've all impressed me." Siobhan sighed before she focused her attention on me. "I'll have the finalized versions of your contracts sent over to your manager. I have to go, but it was lovely meeting all of you. I hope you all decide to work with us in the future." She shook all of our hands and left the room with Tyson following after her.

I immediately pushed myself out of my chair and walked straight over to Mamma to give her a huge hug. "I can't believe you almost quit! What the fuck was that? You love your job!"

"I love you more." She answered. "But she'd never let us all walk away. Siobhan likes being difficult but she's good at what she does."

All my friends took turns giving her hugs and thanking her. I couldn't believe that we were getting signed. "Hey Dee, need a ride home?" Hillary asked. I quickly agreed and we all made our way out of the label with only Mamma staying behind since she actually worked there.

We all said our goodbyes in the parking lot, but it was Anise's smirk as she said her goodbye to me that stayed in my head. Who would have thought that a simple, "See you later Chickadee," would be so enticing? I think it was the fact that hardly anyone had ever called me anything but Melody or Dee. It was special when she called me Chickadee. Just like when my parents called me Monkey. It meant something.

"Um, Dee?" Hillary said which pulled me out of my thoughts. I hardly even remember getting into her sensible hatchback. We were just sitting in the parking lot without moving and she was staring at the wheel like it held the secrets of the universe. "Um, Will told me that you figured out that we were seeing each other. I just- I'm sorry we didn't tell you. I should have. Way before it ever got to this point. I should have told you the first night. My head was not in a good place back then. My parents were threatening to stop paying for school if I didn't do what they wanted. Premarital sex is not something they approve of so the fact that I lost my virginity to what I thought was just a hookup with my roommate's brother was nowhere near what they wanted. I thought that if I told you, you'd reject me just like my parents would, which I know is stupid but that's just the way my head works sometimes."

"Oh fuck Hillary." As soon as I saw those tears start to leak from her eyes, I was pulling her over the center console and hugging her close, "I'll never reject you. Ever. You're practically my sister, and fuck, if you and Will work out you'd be yet another sister. I'm sorry you felt you couldn't come to me, but as long as you don't mention anything about your sex life ever again, you can tell me anything you want."

She let out a teary laugh as she sat back up. "Would it help to know that I changed a lot of the details?"

"Halle-fucking-lujah! Best fucking news I've heard all week, and that includes the fact that we're getting signed! Jesus Christ on a cracker, we're so fucking good it's not even funny. Well, as long as you promise that you do love my brother as much as he loves you. Cause I do kinda have to protect the little sensitive bastard."

As she laughed, I could tell that her entire face lit up, "He told you he loved me?"

"Head over heels," I answered.

I don't think anything could have wiped that smile off her face as she started the car, "Good. Cause I'm pretty sure he's my soul mate." She started pulling out of the parking lot and turned to me, "I'm coming over for dinner Friday so Will and I can tell your family that we're dating. I think I'm going to ask him to move in with me after. Do you think he'll go for it? I know how much he likes being at home."

I put my head back and thought about it. I guess it makes sense that Will would be the first to move out of the nest. He was always the responsible one. "I think he'll say yes. You going to tell your parents that you're moving in with a guy before marriage?"

"Yep." She answered, "I've been talking to my therapist and I think I need to go no contact with them for a while. They've been fucking up my mental health for years and I need to be living my life for me, not them. Telling them that I'm going to quit my job to perform in a rock band with my queer best friend and moving in with my boyfriend I've been having premarital sex with is probably going to make it much easier."

I reached over and squeezed her hand. I know this was a long time coming, her parents could be fucking awful sometimes, but it was still sad to lose the people who raised you. "I'll be beside you every step of the way. Please bring Will and me with you if you're going to tell them in person. I want to be sure that you'll be safe."

She squeezed my hand, "I'm doing it over the phone."

"Well, guess you're officially a part of the Wilson family then. We've adopted you, on my authority, which means you are now obligated to attend embarrassing family dinners, parties, holidays, and whatever else my family deems important enough to invite the entire extended family too, which is literally everything." I said which made her laugh again. I was happy for my friend. She knew what she wanted in life and she was going for it. She wasn't letting anyone hold her back from who she wanted to be.

I just hoped I could do the same.

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