Valentine's Special(Old)

Comenzar desde el principio

D/n was both proud and angry, he was proud his son stood up from himself and Luz but was angry he took it that far.

Principal: "Okay, you clearly don't care bout the trouble you are in. Since this is your first time in here, you will only be suspended for three weeks."

Y/n: "Fine.."

D/n: "Can he come and pick up his work?"

Principal: "Yes, we will forward it to you."

D/n nodded and shake the Principal's hand before he and Y/n walked out of his office and the school. They got in the car and drove home, it was a silent ride home all until D/n chose to speak.

D/n: "Did you have to break his nose?"

Y/n: "Not my fault his face couldn't take the first punch."

His response caused his father to let out a little laugh, which made Y/n smile a little as well.

D/n: "Hahaha no I regret taking you to that free boxing class."

They then both started to laugh before it died down, Y/n looked out the window before speaking again.

Y/n: "How much trouble am I at home?"

D/n: "None."

This made Y/n really confused to look D/n with the most confused face he has ever given. D/n looked at his son with an evil smirk.

D/n: "You're in trouble with Luz once she sees what happened today."

This terrified Y/n to the core, she's his best friend and she saw him get a small cut and made him stay on the couch. Now that he has a busted lip and black eye meaning she is going to go down once she sees him.

D/n: "Speaking of Luz that's her right now waiting for you with a stuffed snake?"

True to his word, Luz and Camilla were waiting at their home, D/n parked and got out of the car to greet the two. Luz got up from the porch and watched the car door to reveal Y/n trying to hide his face.

Luz: "Y/n?"

Y/n: "Hey Luz."

Luz: "Why are you hiding your face?"

Y/n went silent before sighing he showed her face, and she gasped seeing him like this made her heart hurt. Camilla was also shocked and looked to D/n he explained what happened and the parents looked over to see that the both of them were gone.

D/n: "I forgot I gave you two a key to our home."

Camilla: "She's most likely giving him too much love."

D/n: "Yes young love, and where did she get the stuff animal snake."

Camilla: "She wanted to get Y/n something since he most likely got something big for her."

The parents laughed a little when they walked into the home, they saw Luz trying to treat Y/n's black eye with an icepack while he was trying to loom away.

Y/n: "Luz please stop."

Luz: "No I won't! You are hurt, so stay still so I can help."

Y/n: "What about Valentine's day?"

Luz: "It's a dumb holiday, I don't need someday to tell you I love."

This made Y/n silent and started to blush a lot, Luz realized what she said and tried to correct herself with a massive blush on her face. D/n and Camilla were listening in and they both looked at each other.

D/n: "Young Love?"

Camilla: "The best kind, how about we leave them alone? I need some help with my printer again."

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