part twenty five

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this is the end of Selina's Sidekick, thank you all for your patience with this story and its 1,016 day long journey. i hope y'all enjoyed it. (also, like, the timeline is SERIOUSLY messed up. i think in like one of the first parts i mentioned Jason being like twelve? and then suddenly six months later he is fifteen??? oh well, i am a lazy POS sue me)

"Jason!" Selina yelled as she kneed one of Roman's men in the crotch, her body focused on the fight while her mind was preoccupied with rescuing her son. She dared a glance towards her battered boy, taking in the blood covering her apprentice-turned-child. "Jas - "

The thief was cut off by a punch to the face, a grunt leaving her mouth upon impact. 

The sound of his mother getting injured was enough to stir Jason awake, the young teen looking up through his swollen eyes to see his mother turn around in a rage to retaliate the hit she had received. "M-mom...?"

The sound came out no more than a whisper but it was enough for Selina. 

Catwoman sucker punched the goon, smiling in relief at her boy. "Oh, baby, I am so glad you are alive." She ducked under a plank of wood swung at her head, popping back up after taking out her attacker's ankles. "And when we get out of here, I am going to smother you in love before I lock you in your room for eternity for putting me through all this."

"Fair 'nough." Jason smirked at his mom. He glanced around the room, watching his honorary aunts beat the living daylights out of the goons. He winced when Batgirl took down three men twice her size so efficiently he was envious. Jason stared on as Nightwing and Batman mowed their way through the enemies. But his attention was caught by Tim, the teenage vigilante still dressed in Jason's Magpie outfit. 

That made the older teen chuckle lowly, the youngest Bat brat glancing over at him with a look of disbelief on his face. "Leave it to you to laugh after a near death experience. You're unbelievable."

"Unbelievably sexy." Jason attempted to wink, something he found very difficult to do due to his swollen face. "Do me a favor and release me, yeah? I want in on the action."

Ivy scoffed from her position a couple yards away from the teenagers. "Jason, you're beaten to shit and you've been shot. The only action you'll be getting is medicinal."

"Uh, codenames in the field, Ivy." Jason mocked.

"Oh, please, kiddo. Everyone here knows who you are. There is no point in pretending." Harley swung her bat into a gunman's head, knocking him down.

"The drama of pretending would be worth it." Jason grumbled. 

"Nerd." Tim snickered, working on untying the young thief anyways. 

"And don't you forget it." Jason smirked at his rescuer, a look which was quickly replaced by a grimace and a groan when he was freed from his bonds and could feel the full extent of his injuries.

"Jason!" Tim gasped, catching the other teen as he pitched forward from a mixture of pain and lacking the strength to support himself. The older teen tried to give Tim a reassuring smile or a retort - anything, really, to let the vigilante know he was okay - but instead his eyes rolled back in his head and he went limp in Tim's arms. Cursing, Tim felt his heart rate spike with panic and adrenaline, turning to Batman with horror painted on his face. "Batman! He's passed out, pulse is weak. We need - "

Tim was cut off by a sickening crack, drawing his attention to Catwoman and Black Mask a few yards away, the former holding Harley's bat in her hands while the man lay curled in on himself, holding his no doubt broken ribs as Tim deduced the crack came from Selina hitting him. 

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