Chapter 15: finding out her true identity

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Emily: Excuse me, I have this lame reading assignment for Spanish class. Do you think that you have something that's really easy with lots of pictures?
Librarian: *hands her a slot of magazines*
Emily: Oh! Cool. *finds a magazine that has an article of elliana and her family.* "Princess Ellianabelle Rosalinda Walmsley "? No way!
Pasha: It's Pasha. What's going on?
Lindsay: General Farber's announcement of his engagement to doña Yolanda walmsley has popped up in several tabloid magazines. The story is contained so far, but I would be lying to say I was not concerned.
Pasha: She'd never agree to marry him.
Lindsay: I was not suggesting she would, Major. General Farber's doing this to draw Ellianabelle out. He knows she won't allow her mother to be forced into marriage.
Pasha: Absolutely.
Lindsay: So, it is imperative that we keep this from Ellianabelle.
Pasha: Yes, ma'am. I agree.
Lindsay: Major, has she made any enemies? Anyone who might want to expose her identity?
Pasha: Not that I know of.
Piper: Let's move that throne here. No. No, actually, there. Oh, I know. Up there. And let's hang some lights
directly on it. That might be too harsh on my skin tone.
We should hire a lighting designer.
Ella: The budget's gone, Piper. What you see is what you get.
Piper: Okay, okay. I know! A follow-spot just on me. Maybe light pink, or golden like the sun. It's great to be queen.
Ella: You're not queen yet. Sophia could win, or Ellie.
Piper: Can it, Muffy.
Ella: My name's Ella.
Piper: Not anymore. Hey, Pipes.
Emily: Don't call me that.
Piper: You lost that right when you lost your princess crown to Bait Girl and her strangely formal cousin.
Emily: Well, what if we could get Ellie to drop out of homecoming altogether?
Piper: She would never do that.
Emily: She might. She's not who she says she is. She's Princesa Ellianabelle Rosalinda Walmsley.
Piper: It's in Spanish. What does the article say?
Emily: I'm not sure. What? I'm pretty, not smart. Okay, let me try. It's about Rosie and her mom. One of them has fled the country and one of them is in prison or a paper bag. I get those two mixed up.
Piper: No biggie. Good work, Brookie.
Emily: Thanks, Chels.
Piper: I have the perfect plan.

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