Chapter 6: Heading to public school for the first time

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Elliana: Good morning.
Sophia: Hey.
Pasha: Hey. Want some Juice?
Sophia: Yeah. All right. There you go some Coffee and cereal.
Pasha: Good. Don't be shy, Ellie. Just Grab whatever looks good.
Elliana: I'm not hungry. But thanks.
Sophia: Ahhh, our bus is here.
Pasha: Sure you don't want a ride?
Sophia: Yeah, I'll be fine. You coming?
Elliana: Where are we going?
Sophia: School. You're 16. That means we go to school.
Elliana: School Of course. I knew that.
Pasha: Goodbye.
Elliana: Thank u, have a good day.
Helen: Morning, honey.
Sophia: Hey, Helen.
Helen: Whoa! Who's this, now?
Sophia: This is just my cousin, Ellie she's staying with us for a while.
Helen: Wow. You don't say.
Elliana: Hello, nice to meet you.
Helen: Well, aren't you a cutie?
Elliana: I'm Ellie.
Helen: And I am late. Go ahead and grab a seat, quick as you can before the bus starts moving.
Pasha's pov: Call attempted. Scrambling signal now. PPA link is established.
Lindsay: This is the director. What is your situation report?
Pasha: Princess 379 is in position. Stage four is complete.
Lindsay: Sooo...She's safe, then?
Pasha: That's affirmative, absolutely safe.
Lindsay: Thats good well down major. Speak to you soon.
Sophia's pov: We arrive at school and my bestie Johnny filming the bus.
Johnny: Could this be the queen?
Sophia: Me? being the queen, Obviously not, John.
Johnny: Maybe this is the queen.
Elliana: Well, technically, no. Not yet, anyway.
Johnny: Nice. Honest. I like it. I'm Johnny, by the way. And you're...
Sophia: Ellie.
Elliana: I'm Ellie.
Johnny: I'm making a documentary. Listen, "The rocky path from humble peasant "to homecoming queen."
Elliana: The queen of homecoming? What is homecoming?
Sophia: You don't know... You've never heard of homecoming?
Elliana: No. We have no such thing where I am from.
Johnny: Really? Where's that?
Sophia: Oh, um...She's from Iowa. She's... What in the world are you doing?
Elliana: I'm just going to school like you said.
Johnny: Bye, guys.
Sophia: Yes, but you're supposed to act like a normal American girl. You're supposed to blend in with us.
Elliana: I'm trying to. But it's not easy.
Sophia: Well, try harder.
Sophia's pov: Heads of to my French class.
Johnny: There she is, Princess Carter.
Sophia: Just, sit down.
Johnny: Bossy, bossy.
Sophia: Thanks. Now sit.
Sophia's pov: Pulls him down into the chair.
Johnny: I like bossy.
Elliana's pov: Walks into class.
Elliana: Excuse me, may I have this seat?
Jentzen: I'm sorry, I think it's school property. *turns around* Yeah, sure.
Elliana: Thank you very much.
Jentzen: What? She's hot.
Emma: Bonjour à toute la classe.
Elliana: *speaking fluently* Bonjour mademoiselle, comment allez-vous aujourd'hui?
Elliana pov: (translation) hello miss, how are you today?
Emma: This must be our new student, Sophia Birlem's cousin. Tu habites en France, Ellie?
Elliana: Non, je vis dans l'Iowa. mais ma famille peut parler 3 langues qui sont le français, l'espagnol et l'anglais. nous les parlons tous couramment.
Elliana pov: (translation) No, I live in iowa. but my family can speak 3 languages which are French, Spanish and English. we all speak them fluently
Emma: waouh, c'est impressionnant. c'est sympa de t'avoir en dehors de la classe.

[mean while in Costa luna]

Sasha: Where are you, my little princesa? Ah! Yolanda. Thank you for joining me. Any news from EllianaBelle?
Yolanda: No. And there will never be, so stop asking.
Sasha: Now, now, now, now. We must not be so negative. Perhaps... Perhaps we should think happy thoughts. Shall I begin? I am picturing a dashing young general. And he is... He's sitting on a throne. Royal subjects shower him with adoration. And what do you know? They have crowned him their king!
Yolanda: You will never be the king of Costa Luna, not as long as I'm alive. So keep on dreaming.
Sasha: You are ruining my happy thoughts. Take her away.

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