Chapter 3: princess protection

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Pasha's pov: walks towards her as the helicopter flies off.
Elliana: What is this place?
Pasha: protection.
Elliana: how is this protection?
Pasha: You'll see.
Pasha's pov: takes her towards the hidden elevator.
Elliana: where am I? is this some sort of prison?
Lindsay: No...Not prison, protection. Princess Ellianabelle Rosalinda walmsley, you are now in our safe custody of the International Princess Protection Agency, the PPA.
Elliana: I've never heard of it.
Lindsay: Nobody ever hears about this place until we're needed. Good work, Major.
Pasha: Thank you, Director.
Lindsay: this is Level three. The Security, your exit major.
Pasha: You'll be safe now, Princess. *leaves*
Elliana: sooo...How long am I staying here?
Lindsay: Until you're ready. Aka at stage four.
Elliana: huh? What? Stage four? Well, What is the first stage? Cause all of this is really confusing me!
Lindsay: The first stage was Extraction. That is what major Pasha, did to bring you here to us.
Elliana: okay, so now. what is Stage two?
Lindsay: Transition.
Elliana: Transition to what? A Monkey?
Lindsay: what? no. Stage three actually.
Elliana: what's stage 3?
Lindsay: Come inside, why don't you? And I will explain everything.
Elliana: good! Great! Can't wait.
Elliana's pov: the doors open and I see inside the building. walks into the hall and sees a load of princesses and workers.
Lindsay: Welcome...Ellianabelle, to the operational heart of the Princess Protection Agency, which is a top-secret agency funded by all of the world's royal families. Who We are actively providing protection to 29 princesses currently, all of whom have been threatened in one way or another. By other rulers, riots, army's wars etc. So we like to keep them safe. Sharna, may l?
Sharna: Of course, Director.
Lindsay: *shows her some other princesses like her* This is Princess Lisa-Lily. In Last January, Major Pasha rescued her from a politically-motivated coup. We have placed her where no one will find her. *shows her Greenland, Let's just say she's a little farther north than she's used to.
Elliana: She is absolutely frozen and freezing! Like majorly.
Lindsay: Probably. But she's safe. Let's take a walk, shall we?
Elliana: okay, let's do it.
Lindsay's pov: we all head towards the escalators that takes us to downstairs.
Lindsay: Please. Sharna, report.
Sharna: "Princess 383 has had a successful extraction. "She arrives at 01:00 hours. "Princess 299 is still rejecting all attempts at transformation. "And princess 107 is in need of our services."
Lindsay: okay, better then what I thought. We will get to work on those things very soon. But let's start here with ellianabelle.
Sharna: sure thing, director.
Elliana: sooo...What about me? Where are you sending me?
Lindsay: Nowhere just yet. Because First we must go through stage three. Which is transformation. First, we start with the hair and then the wardrobe, until you are fully unrecognisable as princesses. From all over the world. Then you'll be ready for relocation.
Elliana's pov: they try to cut and dye my hair blonde, but I don't trust them at all.
Elliana: No! Stop! I do not know any of you people. I want to speak with Major Pasha. I only trust Major pasha.
Lindsay: sharna please go and grab him.
Lindsay's pov: takes Ellianabelle to the back room.
Pasha: Hey, Is everything all right?
Elliana: Take me back to my country. RIGHT NOW!!!
Pasha: Princess, I'm sorry, but General Farber has taken control of your country and assumed command of its government.
Elliana: But I must go back. I have to protect my people.
Pasha: And you will eventually. As soon as we can find a legal way to remove him from your country. But in the meantime, you have to let us protect and keep you safe.
Elliana: But what about my mother? Who's protecting my mother? Cause all I can see is no one.
Pasha: You are, Ellianabelle. Your are protecting her As long as you're in Princess Protection. And as long as you remain with us for this period of time Your mom will be safe.
Elliana: really?
Pasha: yes, really i promise. Also General Farber is hoping you'll contact her so then he'll know where to find you.
Elliana: so, I can't speak to my mamá?
Pasha: unfortunately you can't. It's too risky.
Elliana: but, what if he does find me, through?
Pasha: then He'll make a big example of you. By sending you to prison or a work farm or even to let you rot in a dirt cell. And Costa Luna, will become part of his own personal kingdom. When its true and real royal family, will be nothing but a memory.
Elliana: wow!
Pasha: so the Bottom line is, if you care about your mother's safety, the future of your country, and your people etc. Then nobody can know who you really are!
Elliana: Okay fine I'll do this but as long as you stay by side. And promise me to not leave.
Pasha: of course princess. I promise.
Elliana's pov: walks back over with pasha.
Elliana: You may proceed, with this transformation!
Elliana's pov: they dye my hair, and do my make up again so I look completely different.

This is my new look

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This is my new look. From brown hair, too blonde. From hair down to my knees, too it being up to my chest.
Elliana: wow! Nice work. It's actually not that horrible.
Lindsay: Good work everyone! From now on, you're no longer a princess. You are now Ellie Birlem, a normal average American teenager.
Elliana: so...What happens now?
Lindsay: Stage four. Relocation.
Elliana: to...Where exactly? Cause I don't think this outfit will keep me warm in a freezing country!
Lindsay: it won't be freezing from what pasha has told me. But we are sending you, Somewhere where General Farber will never think of looking for the Princess of Costa Luna.
Elliana: okay...good. But do I get to know where?
Lindsay: pasha, will tell you when you arrive there.
Elliana: okay, okay.
Pasha: Let's head to the helicopter.
Elliana: okay, sir.
Pasha's pov: we both get into the helicopter and it  drops us off in California!

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