Chapter 2: saving the princess

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Justin: Her Royal Highness, Ellianabelle Rosalinda walmsley. The princess of de Costa Luna.
Dimitri: And you're walking, and walking as your adoring subjects welcome you into the thrown.
Elliana: Dimitri, my coronation is one month away. So Why are we practicing this every single day? When it won't be happening for a while.
Dimitri: Ah! This rehearsal is so that everything will be perfecto for the big day. Because we don't want anything to wrong!
Elliana: ahhhh! I see. Fair enough then. Which is also why we put you in charge of the planning. Cause I knew you make it go smoothly.
Hunter: Princesa, what a beautiful coronation dress you are wearing.
Elliana's pov:

 Elliana's pov:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

My dress.

My tiara

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

My tiara.
Hunter: Who, may I ask, designed it?
Elliana: You did, Mr. hunter.
Hunter: So I did. I am brilliant, no?
Elliana: Ofc! It is! You always design the best dresses!
Hunter: I sure do.
Elliana: thank you sir.
Yolanda: Thank you for coming to help Ellianabelle. Now that my husband has passed away, only she can become queen of Costa Luna. But I feel like it's to much for someone so young. And I'm afraid that General Kane will take advantage of that. So that it can become his own.
Pasha: Don't worry, Yolanda. I'll be here. I'll protect her like she's my own daughter.
Yolanda: thank you so much, major pasha. I know you will. Just make sure you stay with her as she has a hard time trusting people.
Pasha: I will, I promise and that Sounds like your music.
Dimitri: Turn to face your subjects, Elliana.
Justin: Honoured guests, family, friends, I present to you Princesa, Elliana Rosalinda Walmsley heir to the throne of Costa Luna. She is willing to be your loyal queen. If any person has a reason to object, let them come forward and be heard! Or forever hold your peace.
Sasha's pov: throws my sword to hang the crown on the wall.
Elliana: mama, what's going on?
Sasha: well, I object. The Princess is too young to become queen. Sooo...I think that Costa Luna and Costa Esmerelda are two tiny countries as that's who must unite and stand together against the world. So...Therefore, for the good of both our countries, General Magnus Kane, declares himself El Presidente de la República de las Costas. So Guards, Seize them!
Pasha's pov: cuts some silk and flings myself I've to elliana knocking out 5 guards.
Yolanda: What?
Pasha: The time is now. We need to get her out of here!
Yolanda: Ellianabelle! Go now with Major pasha! Go now!
Pasha's pov: holds her hand and we run.
Dimitri: Hurry, my queen, we must go now.
Elliana: Who are you? Where are you taking me?
Pasha: I'm Pasha. I'm also here to protect you, but you need to trust me. Fully.
Elliana: okay, But what about my mother?
Pasha: She's going to meet us, when the coast is clear. but right now we need to hurry.
Elliana: okay, sir.
Elliana's pov: still running with pasha and I see my mamá waiting for us.
Elliana: Are you all right, Mamá? What's happening?
Yolanda: Yes, yes, darling, yes. I knew General Farber, would do something like this or try to something like this against you. so I made a plan to protect you, from going to a work camp etc. But I need you must trust Major Pasha with all of your heart and strength. You must do everything he says! So will you promise me that, you will do that?
Elliana: Yes, Mamá, I promise.
Pasha: We need to move. Right now!
Yolanda: Okay. Come on.
Elliana: Mamá, where are we going?
Yolanda: No, not "we," mija. Only You. The General will say you abandoned the country, but I must stay. So the people know that you will return when it's safe. So you need to go.
Elliana: No! Not without you.
Yolanda: yes, you need to sweetie. And here so you know that no matter what happens, you never forget that you are a princess. *puts my locket on her* Don't worry, mi reina bonita, We will be together again very soon.
Pasha: We gotta go now. Let's go.
pasha's pov: rushes her to the helicopter and helps her get into the helicopter as well.
Pasha: Hurry up! Inside! Go!
Pashas pov: flies away from costa Luna.
Yolanda: You will never find her. And as long as she remains free, there will be hope in Costa Luna.
Sasha: I couldn't agree more. But the Princess is only a girl, madam. She will contact her mother. And when she does, I will bring her back to Costa Luna, where she will rot with her mother in a tiny dirt cell. You will both become a tragic symbol of futility to those who would defy me. Take her away!
Yolanda: gladly, as I'm bored of seeing you already!
Sasha: your not making this easy for yourself!
Yolanda: good! I'm glad.
Yolanda's pov: gets put in the cell, of my own home.

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