I feel my cheeks burn and roll my head back, knowing they'd be talking to me about this way too much. "Don't say it like that! You're making me go red. Yes she drove me home." I admitted, huffing and seating myself next to Elena. I steal a cracker from the bag and she gives me a death stare when I pop it into my mouth.

"And did anything happen on this drive home? Any inconveniences?" She carries on, looking for answers. Yes we kissed after she scared me to death. And I was trying to be something I normally am not.

"Do you know something I don't, Vera?" I ask her, crossing my arms over my chest. Act innocent. Don't give away too many details.

"I know you had sex with Harlow last night."

Though I already knew that, her sentence made me almost choke on the cracker.

"Is this about me leaving you guys? Because you know what I'm about to say-"

I'm cut off by Sam. "Yes, it's a little bit about you leaving, so you'll need to explain that. Did you know she was even coming? Because why wouldn't you tell us beforehand?" She whines at me, tugging my arm for an answer as she leans against the bed post.

I throw my head back and lightly hit the headboard. "I'm really sorry for abandoning you guys. I am, and I didn't even think I would. I didn't know she would come. I completely forgot about her during the night. She just showed up."

Vera studies me like some project in an art gallery. As if she's trying to find out my meaning or something. "Where'd you see her?"

"I was dancing. Just dancing, and then I see her far from me in the club. And so I turn the other way and practically scurry off." I said, adjusting my towel.

"You could've come to us!" Sam told me, hitting my arm with the back of my hand, springing the idea into my head a little too late.

"Trust me, that would've made it worse. God knows what would've happened if you guys saw me with her." I admit it, because I know it would be so embarrassing if something happened with her in front of my friends.

"She followed you? Where'd you go, a sex dungeon?" Elena says, snorting at her own words, then dropping a cracker into her mouth.

Well, fuck. I can feel the heat on my face.

When I stay silent, Elena looks back to me and her eyes widen. "A sex dungeon?!"


Sam slaps her hands onto her knees. "Okay back up, what the actual fuck-"

"Guys! It wasn't a dungeon jesus, it was just a room. What goes through your heads honestly?!" I whisper yell, getting more embarrassed by the second.

"Well, I've always wanted to experience a sex dungeon." Sam sighs and goes to grab a cracker from Elena's bag, but Elena scrunches the top and pulls the bag away.

"You wanna repeat what you just said there, Sam?" She raises an eyebrow, then squints her eyes.

Sam puts on her best fake smile. "I did not mean a word of that sentence." Elena passed the bag to her and rolls her eyes. We both know Sam meant every single word of that confession.

"Anyways, how was it?"

"How was what?" I ask, replying to Vera, who rolls on her back and lays her head on my pillow to look up at me.

"The sex."

I cough out and clear my throat. I know she'll keep on teasing and taunting me about it if I don't tell her everything.

"It was.. I don't know how to describe it." I shrug, hoping she'd take my answer.

"But you weren't disappointed of it or anything? Like it was good-"

Desire  {18+}Where stories live. Discover now