"Eddy...Eddy, I'm gonna cum...!"

"Me too...just please...deeper...!" Brett reached the deepest he could so Eddy could cum. Eddy's eyes rolled back. His mouth dropped. He was twitching and moaning. Brett grabbed Eddy's neck and lightly choked him.

After a little bit, Brett came inside Eddy. "Fuck..." Eddy still hadn't came yet, so he kept going, reaching deeper ever time. "Oh my fucking god!" Eddy screamed, while he came on the side of Brett's bed. "Shit...that was the best thing ever..." Brett said, trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah...but now I'm tired..." Eddy mumbled. "Me too...I'm going to bed..." Brett said, closing his eyes to slowly drift off into great bliss. "Okay...goodnight"



Morning came, and Eddy woke up with a hangover. "Mm..." he tried to get out of bed, but failed, since the intense pain in his asshole. He looked down to see that he was naked. His eyes widened. He looked over to see Brett in the bed. "Oh my god!" That woke up Brett. Brett looked up to see Eddy naked. "Oh dude, get dressed!"

"Dude...I think we did something last night..." Eddy said with tears in his eyes. "What do you mean?" Brett then looked down to see himself naked. He quickly covered himself. "What did we do?!"

"I don't know, to be honest, I don't want to know!"

Eddy got an idea, there was cameras in their house, so he could look over the cameras to see what they did. "I'm gonna go look over the cameras" Eddy said, getting his clothes on. He walked, with pain, to the cameras, and took them down.

He started going over them.

"Oh my god...yes! Right there, fuck~" Eddy's eyes widened, and a tear dropped from his cheek. " Brett...you feel so fucking good!"

"Brett!!" Eddy said, dropping to the floor, crying. "What?!" Eddy pointed to the cameras that were still playing. "Shit...I'm so sorry Eddy..." Eddy was full on crying by now. "I lost my virginity to my best friend..."

"Eddy...I don't know what happened...I'm sorry" Eddy shook his head. "It's fine, you couldn't control it...but I don't know what to do now...my virginity is gone..." Eddy said, trying to steady his breathing.

"I know, mine is too..." Brett was comforting Eddy. "Brett...I'm so guilty now...we should've never went to the club...maybe it was a sign that we didn't go in so long..."

"It's gonna be okay Eddy..." the video was still playing, so they could still hear it. "SHUT UP!" Eddy yelled, and punched the cameras. They shattered. He ran to the bedroom and locked himself inside. "Eddy, please open the door..." No answer. "Eddy please...!" Still, no answer. "Eddy! Open the fucking door!" Eddy finally opened it. "What?!"

"I know that this is going to ruin our friendship, so all I wanted to say, is that you're the one person that actually cares about me, you're the only person that makes me actually laugh, you're the one person I wouldn't want to change for...I love you...bye Eddy..." Brett said with tears in his eyes. He ran out of the door.


It's been a few weeks since that incident happened. Eddy was still trying to get a hold of Brett. Eddy has been depressed ever since it happened.

Ring...ring...ring...ring...ring...I'm sorry, but the person you are trying to contact is not available, try again later, goodbye

"BRETT, ANSWER THE GODDAMN PHONE!!" Eddy yelled at the top of his lungs. Eddy started to cry.

Just then, he heard a knock on his door. He wiped his face, and walked over to the door to answer it. It was a police officer. "Are you Eddy Chen?" Eddy just nodded. "I'm sorry, but Brett Yang is in the hospital, he got into a bad car crash, we're gonna need you at the hospital as soon as possible" the police officer said with apologetic eyes. "Yes, I'm coming now" Eddy said.

He ran to the bedroom to put on his shoes.

At the hospital

"He's in room 23" Eddy nodded, and quickly walked to his room. He saw Brett lying there, with his lifeless, pale face. "Brett...what happened...is it because of me?" Suddenly, Brett's words echoed in his head.

You're a person who actually cares about me, Eddy...
You're the person that makes me actually laugh, Eddy.
You're the one person I wouldn't change for, Eddy...!
I love you, Eddy!


Eddy snapped out of it. "Yeah?"

"I'm sorry, but we've tried everything we could, there's nothing we can do anymore, I'm very sorry to say this, but it seems Brett has stopped breathing..."

"What...? No...no...! No! Don't tell me that! Don't tell me he stopped breathing, he's still here! He is!" Eddy yelled with tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry, but the damage has already been done, and we can't take it back"

Eddy slipped down to the floor and cried his eyes out. "Why...why does this happen to me?!" After crying for a long time, Eddy got up and walked over to Brett. "I wish I could see you smile one last time, I wish  I could see you open your eyes and talk to me one last time....I love you too Brett, and I'm sorry I didn't say it back, if I could...I would, please believe me...!"

"I love you too"

A/N:🤧🤧🤧😭😭...*sniff sniff* anyway, that was very angsty, but I loved writing it. I hope you guys enjoyed this one! (Btw, they were 19 in this story, and were saving their virginity for marriage. ❤️❤️Be safe❤️❤️

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