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Eddy was the playboy of his school, and somebody has fell for him. Brett Yang, was his name. Brett fell for Eddy so hard, but knew that if he happen to get into a relationship with him, he would hurt him.

But Brett decided to confess his feelings, even though he knew he would get rejected. "Hey...Eddy?" Brett hesitantly said. "What." Eddy coldly stated. "Um...I-I like you" Brett confessed. "Who doesn't?" Eddy asked, not directly to anyone. Brett stayed silent. "I'll admit it, I kinda like you too, meet me in the gym?" Eddy asked. Brett's face lit up. "I-okay" Brett said, smiling.


After lunch, it was free time, meaning anyone could go anywhere. Brett walked his way to the gym closet. He's probably not even gonna come, but I'll go anyway. He thought to himself, still making his way to the gym closet. When he got there, Eddy was already there, which surprised him. "Oh, hey, I didn't think you would actually come" Brett said with a chuckle. "Of course I would" Eddy said, getting closer to Brett.

"S-so, what did you want to do?" Brett asked, getting nervous because Eddy was so close to him. "What you've always wanted to do...have sex with me"

Brett got butterflies on his stomach when Eddy whispered those last words. "Oh..I-I didn't know we were gonna do that"

"You still a virgin?" Eddy asked, kissing Brett's neck. "Y-yeah" Brett said, trying not to moan. "Then I'll go easy on you" Eddy said. He stepped away from Brett, getting his clothes off. Brett grew more and more nervous. "You don't have to be shy, just take your pants off" Brett didn't do anything after Eddy said that. He chuckled. "What? You small or something?"

Brett's cheeks got redder by the moment. "Maybe...?"

"It's okay, since I'm the top, you should be fine" Eddy said, getting his shirt off. Brett just nodded. He felt awkward because he didn't want Eddy Chen to see that he was small. Brett built up the courage to take off his pants and underwear.

"Okay, since you don't really know how to do this, I'm gonna tell you what to do. First, get on the floor and get into a comfortable position with your back on the ground"

Brett did what he was told. "Then, just spread your legs, and I'll do the rest" Brett nodded, and spread his legs. "So, don't freak out, but I'm gonna stretch you first"

"I know how this works, I just don't know how it feels" Brett said, looking up at Eddy. "Oh, nice to know"

Eddy circled Brett's tense hole, and slowly pushed his finger in. Brett's eyes widened and he gasped. "Does it hurt?" Brett shook his head. "No, but it just feels different, a good kind of different" Eddy nodded and slowly pushed his finger in more. "Mm..." Brett moaned. Eddy smirked knowing that he made Brett do that. He started going on and out with his finger. "Mm...holy shit...!" Brett moaned louder. "Ah! God, I think you touched my prostate!" Brett said quickly before he moaned again.

"Nice" Eddy said, smirking, before making his finger move faster, and hitting his prostate over and over again.

"That's exactly what I want" Eddy purred, hitting that spot again. Brett was heavily breathing with his back arched. "Oh, Eddy...!" 

Eddy got hard just by hearing Brett moan his name. He took out his fingers. "I'm gonna go in with two fingers now, okay? It might hurt, it might not, I don't know your body" Eddy said. Brett just nodded. He pushed two fingers inside of Brett. "Holy shit~!" Brett moaned loudly. He started going in and out off Brett. "Oh my god Eddy! Fuck me please...!" Brett moaned. Brett knew these dirty words were coming out of him, but he didn't care, he just wanted Eddy inside of him.

"Well, lucky you, I think it's time" Eddy said, getting into the position to thrust into Brett. "Go easy, please..." Brett desperately pleaded. "I promise" Eddy said, pushing his tip into Brett. Brett hid his face in his hands. "Don't cover your face, I want to see it" Eddy purred in Brett's ear before pushing himself inside little by little. Brett moaned, as Eddy hit his prostate. "Oh god...!"

"Does it hurt?" Eddy asked. "No, it feels good...please...thrust?" Brett asked, and Eddy nodded before thrusting into Brett. Brett moaned loudly as he was holding on to anything surrounding him to control himself. "Fuck fuck, oh!" Brett moaned. Brett covered his own mouth to make sure people didn't here them. "Uh...fuck" Eddy moaned. "Oh Eddy...! I-I'm go- oh yes, fuck!" Brett moaned, shooting a load of cum on Eddy's stomach. Brett moaned louder as Eddy thrusted into him more after his orgasm. "Uh, uh, uh, oh my god!"  Brett moaned loudly. At this point they didn't care if somebody heard them or not. After awhile Eddy came inside Brett. "Shit..."

Brett tried to stand up, but failed. "Ow...!" Eddy helped Brett up. "It'll go away eventually, I promise" Eddy reassured Brett. "I'm sorry if I hurt you, I didn't mean to" Eddy apologized. "No it's okay, I'll be okay" Eddy looked down at his feet. "Hey, I want to ask you something" Eddy said. "Sure"

"I've kinda liked you for a long time, but I never actually told you, because people know me as the 'high school player' which I'm really not, I just get out of relationships fast" Eddy admitted. Brett's face turned bright red. "R-really?" Brett asked, a smile slowly forming on his face. "Yes, really, and I would like to ask you something" Eddy said. "What is it?"

Eddy took a deep breath. "Would you be my boyfriend?..." Eddy asked, his face getting redder by the moment. "Of course I would!" Brett happily said, with the biggest smile on his face. Eddy sighed of relieve. "Just so you know, don't talk to ANY boys or girls" Brett chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't..I'm all yours" Brett purred in Eddy's ear. "Okay, I just want to tell you...I'm a little obsessive"

A/N: Hellooo, it's been awhile, motivation just disappeared from my life for a little bit, but I'm here now. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! ❤️❤️Be safe❤️❤️//

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