Family dinner

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Brett and Eddy were having a family dinner, but things didn't go as planned. They sat down at the dining table, sitting across from each other. "I'm so glad you all could make it" Eddy's mom said, with a smile on her face. "It's no problem, really" Eddy said, nodding his head.

Brett was feeling mischievous today, and he knew it would be risky, and it could possibly ruin his night. But, that's one way, the other way, is that, it could go wonderfully, and Eddy would enjoy his night, but still very risky.

He decided he would give Eddy a blowjob under the table, with the excuse 'let me grab my fork, I dropped it'

He thought it would be perfect.

He purposely dropped his fork. "Oops, let me grab my fork" he said out loud so everyone heard it. He got down on his knees under the table, slowly zipped Eddy's pants down, which got his attention. His legs were wiggling, but he kept smiling like nothing was going on. He purposely dropped his fork too. He got under the table. "Brett, what are you doing...?!" He very quietly whispered.

"Get your fork and get back to the table, I'll show you in a minute..." Brett whispered back. Eddy obeyed and got his fork, and returned to the table. Brett zipped down Eddy's pants more, and his hard dick came out. Brett was surprised since he really didn't do anything. Eddy looked down at Brett. He mouthed the words 'Hard already?' To Eddy. Eddy very subtlety nodded. Brett smiled and went back to what he was doing. He took Eddy in his mouth, but went easy on him, since he didn't want anyone knowing his boyfriend was giving him a blowjob at the dining table. Eddy tried his best not to moan. "Uh-m". Everyone looked at Eddy with concerned faces. "Oh-this food is really good"

"Thank you Eddy, I made it myself" Eddy's mom said with a smile. Eddy smiled and looked down to hide his face. He looked down at Brett, who looked up at him with a smile. He went faster. Eddy was trying so hard not to moan, as he was getting really close. He had no idea what to do if he came at the dining table. "Eddy, I have a question you" Belle said. He did not want to look up as he was afraid they would see his face. "Sure, hold on..." Eddy said looking down at Brett with eyes that were saying 'Can you stop now'. Luckily, everyone forgot about Brett, so he could be down there as long as he wanted. Brett stopped to give him a break. He automatically looked up. "Yes Belle?"

"I wanted to ask how your violin career is working out?" Eddy nodded. "It's going really good so far, I'm working on Paga-uh!" Eddy suddenly moaned. Everyone looked confused and concerned. "What's wrong Eddy?" His mom asked him while furrowing her brows. "Wait...where's Brett?" Belle asked. She looked under the table.


                           "Oh my god!"

A/N: hehehehehehe, I cringed so hard on the last part. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter! I feel some people definitely left from the information on the last chapter, but it's okay! ❤️❤️be safe❤️❤️

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