Special Chapter; Y/N x reader

Start from the beginning

"Y/N, do you want to go out on a date?" You asked shyly, suddenly feeling incredibly bold. Normally dates just happen between you two, like last week where you had an incredibly bad day because your stupid co-worker dumped another workload on you and you had no time to eat properly the entire day and Y/N took you out to a fancy restaurant you wanted to go to for ages and spoiled you the entire day, presenting one gift after the other, like a beautiful necklace, new clothes from expansive infamous brands and the new laptop you were currently working on. Sometimes you believed that you were the luckiest person in the entire world to have such a caring girlfriend by your side, however sometimes you also felt bad not knowing what you could give her.

This is a once in a lifetime chance! You shouted in your head. Today it is going to be my turn! You declared confidently in your mind feeling your confidence boost. That was until you stared into her golden eyes that were wide in shock.

"Huh?" You quickly flinched as Y/N did not respond, "What is wrong?" You asked panicking slightly. "Earth to Y/N?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry." Y/N apologized hastily, "I am just surprised." She chuckled, rubbing the back of her neck, averting her eyes. "Why not?" She asked beaming as you let out a sigh of relief.

Clapping your hands together in excitement you smiled happily as you ran into your room to quickly grab your purse and long winter coat as Y/N followed behind you almost soundlessly. Sometimes you wondered if she was human in the first place. The way you met her was almost magical und bizarre as she seemed to know much more than everyone else did. Occasionally, she even acted older than most seniors and more knowledgeable than most professors and scholars. At other times you started to wonder if she was telling you the entire truth as her past is shrouded in mystery.

Of course, you knew that she was part of the prestigious Speedwagon Foundation, but she never elaborated her exact position to you, but you assumed that she probably was a big shot by the money she was spending on daily basis. On the other hand, she also seemed to enjoy the simple things in life like a casual stroll along the beach or fields, homecooked meal or simply relaxing on the sofa criticising cheesy drama on online streaming forms with you in her arms.

"Where do you plan on going?" Y/N suddenly spoke up snapping you out of your deep thoughts as you flinched in surprise, turning your head to look at her.

"You have been standing there for ten minutes, is everything alright? If you are tired you do not have to push yourself, we can still go tomorrow." Y/N suggested winking. "As sad as I will be, your health is the most important." She reassured you as you violently shook your head in denial.

"No, I am fine, let's go." You waved her off, flashing a soft smirk as Y/N only rolled her golden eyes playfully. Taking your long white coat from your wardrobe looking in your full body mirror as you grabbed your purse, sliding it into your warm coat's pocket. As you heard Y/N going to her own side taking out her black one that reached t her ankles, her brown hair having already dried as she styled it messily, bangs falling into her face as you tried to supress a chuckle as she only flashed you a playful warning glare as she put on her black gloves, putting on some long dangly golden earrings and her own purse, putting it in a small bag as she slung it over her broad shoulder, turning to you whistling in approval as she checked you out.

"You look great." She stated as you posed jokingly, grabbing her hand, dragging her out of the room as both of you got into your boots you are grabbing your keys as you pulled her out of the front door, turning the key twice to look your cosy apartment as the cold air of the autumn season hit your face harshly. No phones, that was the rule. No one was going to interrupt your quality time.

"Why is it so cold!" You complained, already regretting your choice as to not have brought the warm scarf you got from your last travels to Norway with Y/N. It was pretty simple in design but of incredible quality made out of the finest wool and it was so big that if you wrap it around your neck you could even nuzzle your face in it and feel like you were in heaven as the fabric reminded you of rainy days you would spend inside a closed of place in the woods sitting in front of a warm fireplace, cuddled into a warm blanket as Y/N read you a children's book. It was a weird image conjuring up in your mind, but somehow you felt that it is the exact fuzzy feeling you remembered when she bought it for you.

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