Stardust Crusaders 42

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Author's Note: 

Hey guys sorry I was not able to update yesterday, something came between, so here is your chapter^^, please don't be mad.

Next we are starting with the other D'Arby, slowly but steadily we are nearing the end of Stardust Crusaders! OMG!!! Please and comment! ^^

What happened previously:

Smoking a cigarette casually, Polnareff put it out sighing. "Come on, Avdol! Do you really think that guy can find Dio's mansion?" He asked his friend.

"If not, no one can. No one know Cairo's complex maze of streets better than he does. Be patient. Have faith." The Egyptian fortune teller replied.

"You say that, hut we looked for three days, with no luck. I do not see how finding it in three hours is remotely possible." Polnareff stated.

"You are becoming tedious, Polnareff." Avdol crossed his arms." Could you try to gain some composure?"

"Look we are all on edge. All we can do now is talk to the locals." Joseph replied as Jotaro stayed quiet.

"Jeez. To top it all off, Iggy is nowhere to be seen. Where the hell did the stupid mutt run off to?" The Frenchman mumbled tiredly.

"Iggy is a loner by nature. I am sure he is close by, He will show up eventually." Joseph stated. "Aren't dogs supposed to light up and wag their tails with glee when they see humans? And here we are stuck with the little cynic...." Polnareff complained.

I managed to get away. That thing's ice took the skin right off my paws" Damn it! I now I should have let that human kid fix his own problems or let Y/N handle him and now look at this mess, Y/N is now captured by the enemy. That bird's stand is no joke. He cut her off not only form the fight but cut off her escape route too. That was no ordinary ice. He is not showing all his cards. I better get the hell out of here. Iggy decided, trotting down the street carefully as suddenly Pet Shop came from the next corner startling him as the falcon flew towards him shooting icicles as Iggy ran for his life, dodging Pet Shop's continuing attacks.

Talk about holding a grudge! Iggy cursed in his head as he had to stop, letting a truck pass as Pet Shop fired again, Iggy having to use the Fool to block them as dust covered the area.

However as the dust cleared only a crate was seen on the road..... Iggy disappeared. Where did he go?

The Guardian of Hell, Pet Shop Part 2

Damn it! That bastard does not hold back. He is only a bird. Iggy grumbled, hiding inside the sewerage, having entered from the drain.

This place reeks, but it will have to do for now. I have to keep quiet and hide out down here until he gives up. I doubt they will try to kill YUN, so I have to focus on staying alive. Iggy muttered to himself, turning around as he came face to face with Pet Shop!

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