Stardust Crusaders 15

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What happened previously:

"Polnareff, is in no condition to rive." You stated plainly. "I officially do not trust Joseph to handle anything from now on and Kakyoin is still underage same goes for Jotaro. Get in boys. I am driving!" you stood up opening the doors as the others followed you getting in all except Joseph.

"OH NOO! WE ARE GOING TO DIE!" He broke down.

"You survived three plane crashed remember?" You scolded him hitting his head. "Now get in the car or I make you run after us got it?"

He looked at you horrified getting in hesitantly. Oh boy, they were in for a hell of a ride.....

Wheel of Fortune:

Now with a new set of wheels Jojo and crew leave the holy city of Varanasi for Pakistan.

"We are about to hit ht Indo-Pakistani border I guess it is time to say goodbye to India." You smiled still driving. Even after hours Joseph was still on edge having a vice grip on the seats.

"You know I had mixed feelings about the country at first but now I sort of miss the hustle and bustle of Calcutta and frenetic chaos of the Ganges." Joseph sighed as Jotaro kept silent watching your back.

"One day I will be back." Polnareff spoke up, closing his eyes. "I owe it to Avdol to give him a proper burial." Everyone kept silent.

"The road is getting narrower." You informed them breaking the heavy silence as a small red car appeared in front of you driving incredibly slow, the dust getting into your car as you closed the windows as Polnareff coughed.

"Quit clogging the road! Out of the way!" He yelled in your ear. "Y/N, pass that idiot!"

"No, Polnareff don't! You do not know what she will do!" Joseph screamed panicking as you smirked, speeding up and overtook him like a normal person would.

"Polnareff, calm down! " Kakyoin warned. "And Y/N, do not listen to him!"

"This four-wheel drive is great." You ignored the red head.

"Hey did you just fling a bunch of rocks into that car?" Joseph asked you unsurely.

"Yeah? Your point." You replied evilly.

"Another incident is the last thing we need right now. You know I am wanted because of what happened in Varanasi. I would like to cross the border in one piece." Joseph complained as you waved him off

"And whose fault is that?" You taunted sassily. "I am still angry with you."

"For absolutely no reason! I was attacked for god's sake" Joseph shouted back as you suddenly hit the brake. "Hey what was that for!" You opened the door getting out of the blue car swiftly.

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