Stardust Crusaders 6

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What happened previously:

"Old Man." Jotaro addressed his grandfather. "Can you make an emergency landing on the water?" and why is Y/N so distressed about crashing or better being with you in a plane?"

"Well.....I have driven a prop plane before but....You know, Jotaro.....this is my third plane crash." Joseph scratched his neck. "Have you ever heard of someone being in a plane crash three times and surviving?"

Everybody looked at you sighing as you pinched the brink of your nose in resignation.

"No way in hell....." Jotaro muttered. "No way in hell am I riding a plane with you ever gain. Y/N, please remind me in the future."

You sighed smiling weakly. "Of course....but I cannot promise you."

Tower of Grey; Part2

The plane landed thirty-five kilometers off Hong Kong coast. Y/N and the others had no choice. They diverted to Hong Kong.

"Thirty-five kilometers south of Hong Kong, near Lamma Island a plane crashed. Efforts are underway to rescue all passengers however some of them reported they saw a person with short brown hair and long black coat walking on water...." The news reporter informed.

"Hong Kong Island! Koutoon! The New Territories! With more then two hundred thirty five Islands in the area Hong Kong and its breathtaking night scope is known the world over as the Million Dollar View." You trailed off as all of the others listened interested.

"Y/N, if you do not mind me asking....How do you know so much about Hong Kong?" Kakyoin asked curiously as you chuckled amused.

"I lived in China for a while and I have traveled a lot to the major cities as well as to the countryside. I traveled a lot throughout the world to get more business connections for the Speedwagon Foundation furthermore I studied Chinese medicine, language and culture at one point, it just comes naturally, hopefully I am not boring you too much...Oh!" you noticed a telephone booth not too far away.

"But by the way, I better way, I better make a call to Caesar for another possibility for the sake of the transportation possibilities. Is that alright Joseph?" You did not wait for his reply crossing the street giddily.

Jotaro and the rest waited for you patiently as a vendor spoke up addressing the tall teenager.

"Hey big guy! You guys are not from around here are you?" He spoke in English. "Want some rice porridge? Cannot come to Hong Kong an not try our dim sum or rice porridge. We have some hot cola, too." He offered.

"Rice porridge, eh? Not bad." Kakyoin smiled. "Did you know Jojo? Unlike in Japan rice porridge is a staple in Hong Kong. One bowl, the popular way with pork and century egg." The red head ordered.

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