Phantom Blood 5

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Hey guys it's me, Author! >0<

Well, I really love this story and I am so glad that I am able to publish it here on Wattpad, so I really appreciate that you are all supporting me. You guys are amazing!!

A special thank you:@blop-blub

Thank you! Lots of love!!! You may start reading........


Dio the invader part 3

After battling Dio you felt really refreshed. It felt nice to kick his ass. Hell yeah! Now you were taking the beat up boys back to the Joestar estate and lead them to the study making them sit up. Every muscle was hurting.

"Man that is sure nasty!" you said as you took a closer look at Jonathan's injured eye. "Lucky you it is nothing I could not fix."You beamed brightly. "So close both of your eyes and lean back, it helps me when you relax."You orders Jonathan calmly but strict. You would not allow him to look at your stand so Dio even when they could not see it. "And Dio could you please turn around or close your eyes too?" You asked as you took your stand out. It was gender neutral, not really masculine or feminine. It has the same golden eyes as you and had a slender stature. Mainly it was black but had white and golden gemstones covering the backside of their hands and shoulders, as well as the top of their head and forehead. It looked like a spiky sparkling crown. You loved your stand dearly. They say that a stand is the manifestation of one's soul and is an extension of one's body. You were blessed to have such a charming and loyal friend at your side who was always there when you need them.

You and your stand touched Jonathan's eyelid gently making him hiss out in pain. "Sorry" You mumbled as you concentrated. Golden light surrounded your stand as it started to heal Jonathan, due to its ability you called it ironically "Heal". Well you were a doctor so the fact that your stand could heal was rather fitting and amusing. Then Jonathan's eye started to glow too as his blood on his face vanished and his eye healed.

Then you heard a loud gasp from Dio! Could he see it? His mouth was agape seeing that Jonathan's eye was eradiating a strong light, similar to sunrays.

What is going on? Dio thought shocked, you only touched his eyelid and now it is healing? What did you do? What the hell were you?

You only shot Dio annoyed look, rolling you eyes and motioned for him to turn around but still dumbstruck he did not listen and continued staring at you. Disbelief in his eyes.

When you rammed his finger into Jonathan's eye he was sure that is was a really bad injury, maybe even strong enough to hurt his eyes permanently or making him blind, but here were you, healing him somehow without breaking a sweat in a him unknown way.

Jonathan however was really comfortable he felt warm, like he was enveloped in a loving hug, like a mother' caressing her child lovingly, trying to protect him from the dangers in the world. He wanted to lose himself in this warmth, to forget...

....untilyou shook him roughly. "Jonathan? I have finished patching you up, so open youreyes and let me see if everything is healed up alright." Your clear voice cutinto his clouded mind, making him wince. Your treatment ended too soon.

"So Jonathan, I do not like to repeat myself so often, open your eyes." You threatened. So he opened them, completely healed and functioning properly.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz