Part 7

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Soomi left and went back to the room. Yoongi and Jimin were asleep while Namjoon was talking to Hyunsik and Seokjin while Jungkook was playing a game on Namjoon's phone.

"Hi, guys,"

"Hey, what did he say?" Seokjin asked

"You do not want to know," she answered

"So, another godchild?" Hyunsik asked

Seokjin's jaw dropped while Namjoon blushed. Soomi rolled her eyes and pinched his ears.

"The same thing I told him, I'll tell you, if I do, you're the godfather," she warned, letting go

"I'd better be," he said rubbing his ear

Jungkook looked up from the game briefly before he continued.

"So, are we waiting until he falls asleep?" Hyunsik asked

"Yes, as well as Yoongi," Seokjin suggested

"Who's going to wake him?" Hyunsik asked, shuddering

"We don't wake the beast, just put tangerines next to his bed and lots of boba in the fridge. He will curse so don't yell at him, if you ignore it, he'll calm down," Soomi said

"Really?" Seokjin asked

"Yup," Namjoon and Hyunsik answered

"Jin oppa, I need to ask a favour of you and Namjoon oppa. Hyunsik has no choice in this matter and he'll have the hardest job,"

"What are we doing?" he asked

"Putting on an oscar performance from the greatest," she winked at him

"Namjoon, if you don't get with her then I will," Seokjin threatened

"Hyung, she's mine," he warned him

"Eomma is Kookie's, Jimi and Yoonie, otay?" he said with his arms folded

"Yes my bun, only yours," she said picking him up and kissing him until he started laughing

Soomi got Jungkook to sleep and Seokjin and Hyunsik took the boys to the hotel. She texted Yeongcheol, asking why the boys weren't picking up only to get the response of they were sick. When he asked about her whereabouts, she told him she was busy with work in Singapore. Namjoon showered and dressed then Soomi who wore one of his shirts that fit her like a dress. Jimin woke up after 12 to Namjoon asleep on the other bed and Soomi asleep next to him. He looked around and saw that his mother had a container next to his bed and strawberry milk in a bucket of ice. He carefully took it out along with the container and started to eat and drank the milk.

"Mochi, are you okay?" his mother asked

"I'm okay Eomma, was a little hungry. I ate the mochi,"

"Okay, are you feeling pain?"

"No Eomma, can we talk?" he asked

"Sure baby,"

"Big talk, not baby talk,"

"What's wrong Minnie? she asked furrowing her eyebrows

"I want to stay here with Appa,"

"Minnie, he hurt you," she said confused

"No, he picked us up and stayed when I asked," he argued

"Who do you mean, I'm confused,"

"Namjoon Appa, Eomma," he pointed at Namjoon who was asleep

"Oh, I'm sorry mochi. You want to stay here, why wouldn't you want to go back home?"

"It's only us there, I like school but I don't want to leave Appa, Tae Tae, Samchon, and Hobi hyung. We are family, we don't leave family Eomma," Jimin insisted

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