Chapter 7 <fluff>

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Douma's POV:

We were laying there for a long time, I felt something hit my eyes, it was the sun, rising up.

I sat up fastly and looked up at the sky "uh oh.." akaza looked at me "Hm? What is it?" He also looked up at the sky, "SHIT-" He got up, I did as well.

"Let's go back." I said, he nodded "Where's your place again-? Heh.." he asked, I sighed "Follow me."  I started to jump away, the sun was rising even faster, it wasn't burning us yet.
Akaza didn't like the fact that I'm in front of him "HEY-" He came in front of me "I- HEY-" I said "LETS SEE WHOS GONNA WIN!" He said, going even faster , I laughed and went in front of him again "Were almost there!" He came in front of me again "Hehe!" Then suddenly he disappeared, the sun hit my skin.

Akazas POV:

I went in front of douma, then I stopped at his place and jumped in on the window, making sure the sun doesn't hit me insdie either, I hid under a blanket.
Pulling it all the way over me.

"Agh.. ow-" I heard someone come in as well, it must've been douma.
"Can you pull the curtains as well..  pelase-?" I asked, "y-yeah.." he pulled the curtains in.
I sat up, pulling the blanket off my face "-?! DOUMA?!" I yelled "Hm..-?" His half arm was burned, and his face as well a little.
I got up immediately, "Are you okay-?" I went close to him, gently touched his burnt spots "Mhh..- I'm fine.." He said, I looked worried "Don't say that! You're clearly not." I said, "Sit down please.." he sat down on his place where he usually sits.
"Alright.. I'll be back" I went to the bathroom to get a wet towel.

Doumas POV:

"Alright.. I'll be back" akaza went into the bathroom, I was thinking about why does he even care? Doesn't he hate me? What happened to him so suddenly..?

My thoughts were broke as soon as a cold towel touched my burnt marks.
"Ow..-" I sighed, he was gently taking care of my burnt marks.. I finally felt cared for.
He grabbed some bandages and slowly put it over my burnt marks, very gently so he doesn't hurt me.

He was finished and I was blushing slightly, which I didn't really notice.
"Alright.. there." He had a warm soft smile on his face, it made me blush even more "thank you.." I said, he nodded "so.." I looked up at him in confusion, what does he want to say? "What's gonna be my prize for winning the race?" He asked with a phlegm smile on his face.

My mind completely the other way and I grinned "Oh.. I'll show you. Come here." He seemed like he doesn't know what's going on, "Hm-? What do you want?" He seemed a little flustered, I pulled him close to me "You know what I want." I said, he blushed "H-HEY! LET ME GO!" He finally understood what I wanted.
"Nah.. I don't think i will." I said holding him even closer to me by his curvy waist.
I have never felt his waist before, but actually kind of liked it.
He was yelling at me to let go "Okay fine.." I let go, disappointed in myself for letting go of him.
He continued to yell at me "Shh- you're gonna wake the other people up-" I said, he continued to yell, I got up and covered his mouth from behind "I said be quiet." I had a serious expression on my face.
He blushed even more and nodded.
How obedient isn't he?

Time passed, we were sitting in silence, i poked him to make him laugh.
"Pff- hehe.. hey-!" I heard him chuckle, I felt a fuzzy feeling in my stomach..
His warm smile, that I've never seen before, finally showed up.
"Pff-" I continued to poke him "HEY-! HEY-! STOP! AHHAAH-" He was laughing so much, it felt nice hearing him laugh.
"No I won't! Hehe" I continued, he held my hands down "huh..hh.. pff- I won!" He said, I was sure about my winning "Ready for round 2?" I asked, not even letting him give and answer, I started to poke him again, he tried to tickle me "pff- what are you doing-" I let out a small smile, "Hehe- I'm gonna win!" He said, I was sure I'm gonna win, I poked him so much, we fell back, I was on top of him, he was under me..
I put our foreheads together, he seemed flustered, our lips were almost touching.
"H-Hey..- pff- you're very.. close.." he was stuttering a little "I won this time tho!" I was pretty proud of myself "pff- yeah yeah.. heh.." I was looking into his beautiful hazel colored eyes, my cheek heated up a little.
What was I feeling? Love? No, that's impossible.
"Can you.. g-get off- were a little too close-" He looked away with his eyes, he must've felt meberassed.
"Oh- sorry-" I said, "mhm...-" i didn't lift my head up yet "What's with the quick change?" I asked, he opened his eyes wide "I SAID GET OFF!" here he is again.
The angry chihuahua who's actually a softie.
"Jeez- pff- okay okay!" I sat up, he sat up as well, covering his face from blushing so much.
He seemed flustered.
It was kind of cute..~

(917 words.. godamn.. ty for everyone's support towards our little fanfic! We appreciate everyone's feedback!)

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