Chapter 1

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                          Akaza's POV:

After the uppermoon meeting was over, with Muzan-sama telling us Enmus death, he soon sent Gyokko to go to the village nearby.
I wasn't sure what to do, I stood there and watched the others talk, about the lowermoon 1 death.
I couldn't careless if they're gone or not, I just felt like I have to continue finding the blue flowers Muzan-sama needs.

I sat down the floor with my legs crossed, waiting for Muzan-sama to tell me when I can go.
He left after a while, I still stayed there  being the loyal demon I am.
I was minding my own business, until a sudden voice from behind me calls me on my name.

"Oh, hello Akaza-dono!" The mysterious voice said.
I slightly jump from the sudden voice, taking a look behind my back.
Slowly looking up, while mesmerizing the appearance of the demon.

"Douma-dono?" I ask, "Do you need something? Or you're just here to annoy me." My unbothered expression suddenly turned into a slightly annoyed expression.

"Oh, no!" he say's while squatting down behind me. "Just checking up on ya! Watcha doin'?" He tilted his head.
I turned my back at him, clearly being annoyed by just his appearance.
"I'm waiting for Muzan-sama's order." I said.

"Ah, I see!!" Douma say's, in a cheerful voice, while closing his eyes and smiling.

I take a look back at him "And you? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Oh! I've been wondering if i could go with you. Not romantically or anything, but you get what I mean! Do you mind?" He asked.

I slowly turn around, facing him, still in the sitting position I were in.
"I don't like the company of the other's." I said. "Why don't you ask Gyokko? Im sure he'll need help." I rolled my eyes as soon as i finished my sentence.

"Oh why not?" He asked. "Gyokko already took his order's! So I've decided to help you in your's!" He smiled wide with his teeth showing, being the cheeky person as he is.

My expression slowly turned into a curious, yet confused expression. I raised one of my eyerbows and asked "Since when do you like to be ordered around?" I tilted my head slowly, "Just incase. Because you know, if you decide to come with me, you will have to do what I say." My curios expression faded into an unbothered expression once again.

"I don't mind!" He said, "I'm a people pleaser you know!!" He smiled even wider.

I had a disgusted expression, "Yeah... mhm..-" I shook my head, "So, you want to come with me?" I asked.

"Sure!!" He still had his wide, cheerful grin up on his face.

I simply answered "No."
I clearly hated company, especially his out of everyone.

"Aww.." his smile still was up "Why not..?" He had a fake sad expression on his face after.

"I hate company, especially yours." I crossed my arms "You're annoying as well, and I know that for a fact." I had a serious expression on my face, it didn't seem to really bother Douma though.

"Woah!" He said "What's with the foul language?" He asked and blinked "It's not very nice Akaza-dono!" He said.

I raised my eyebrow, tilting my head with a annoyed expression "Do I look like I care?" I asked and blinked.

"Didn't say you do!" He shrugged, seemingly unbothered.

"My God.." I face palmed "Out of everyone.." I said "Why choose me to bother..?" I asked, groaning in a annoyed voice tone.

"Okay, okay..!" He said while standing up "I'll leave you alone..!" His voice tone seemed like if he felt hurt.
I didn't seem to be bothered by it "M'kay." I turned back around, showing my back at him again.

Douma x Akaza || One sided love♡Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora