Chapter 4

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"Oh-?" I go, looking at him "Okay then! If ya say so!" I say with a unbothered voice tone, still happy with even the fact that akaza choose to stay here.

"Mhm.." he had a slightly annoyed expression. "Jeez, your voice is so annoying-" He said after covering his ears.

I slowly take my hat off, placing it besides me "Oh.. my bad..." i say with a slightly hurtful voice tone..

"Tsk.." he goes, uncovering his ears "Is this really what you do the whole day time? Man, you're boring." He says.

"Well, sorry for being a cult leader..-?" I shrug, slightly feeling pissed from akazas stubbornness.

"A what?" He asks, tilting his head.

"A cult leader?" I tilt my head "You didn't know?" I asked.

"No?" He says "I couldn't careless what you are." He looks away with a annoyed expression, after finishing that sentence "Hmph.."

After a awkward silence "Dummy!"I say and laugh softly.

"WHAT." he yells, turning his face back at me with a snarl on his face now "Don't you dare call me that again." He says.

I laugh again "Sorry, sorry!!" Then I smiled with eyes closed.

"Tsk.. you're clearly not." He says rolling his eyes, and slowly getting up. He started to look around, touch every little and big things "Mhm.."

"Careful!" I watch him look around, while the air blows the purple curtains above my head.

"Mhm..Not like I care if anything breaks." He rolls his eyes "So stupid of you to assume that." After he finished that sentence as well, he "accidentally" pushed down one of my important decorations from the table.
"-! Oops..!" He went, having a fake shocked expression on his beautiful face, looking down at the decoration, then back at me. "Heh.." he goes.

My happy expression slowly faded into a slightly annoyed expression.
I sighed and got up, I put the decoration back on the table "Get out." I told Akaza.

He rolled his eyes "I dont feel like it." Then he crossed his arms  "Also you cant order me around." He said, looking up at me, struggling to stand on his bare feet.

"I own this place, you know." I said "I didn't welcome you , so you could mess around like a pretty toddler." I looked down at him with a serious and annoyed expression.

"Okay jeez" He says "It was an accident." He rolled his gold yellow eyes, turning his head away, breaking eye contact immediately, having a angry expression on his face.

"Nice lie." I raise my eyebrows.

"..I'm not lying." It was obvious that he is, I knew it, since when he lies he breaks eye contact with that person immediately "Jesus christ.." he said.

Douma x Akaza || One sided love♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat