Chapter 4

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I wake up again, and find that I am back in the white room. This time I am chained to the wall. I cannot access the nightstand or bathroom. The door opens up and the boy walks in. I keep quiet.

"You. What is your name, girl?" He walks toward me, and draws a hidden knife.

"Um.. R-Raelyn Rosario..." I reply, stuttering. I push against the wall as he draws nearer, wielding the small dagger. "What do you want from me?"

"It's not what we want from you. It's what we want from your parents. Now, tell me, where are they?!" He yells, throwing the knife into the wall, narrowly missing my head. I cringe, trying to shrink into the wall.

"I don't know! They were at my apartment, but I don't know anymore since you kidnapped me!" I say, closing my eyes in preparation for another black out caused by this small boy.

This kid is insane. What does he want from my parents? And who's 'we?'

I open my eyes only to see an empty room. My hands are somehow released from their bonds. I slowly, cautiously stand up, checking my surroundings. The metal door is locked again.

Suddenly gas starts coming out of the air vents. I get to the floor, covering my nose and mouth in an attempt to not breathe it in. Thirty seconds of struggle and I'm knocked out, once again.

"Jason! Get over here," a male voice snaps from the darkness. "Did someone find the Rosario's?"
"N-n-no sir... W-we only found their eldest daughter, sir." The same boy from earlier steps out into a light in the center of a dark room. He cringes as the voice shouts, "You fools, I told you all I wanted them immediately! Can't you follow orders? Get out and find them! They are the most powerful wizards in the world and I want them dead!"

Hello! Yeah, wow, I finally updated.. I will be writing a lot this week because I have a two day car ride to Seattle. YAASS I'm so excited!! If you want to you can go check out my art account on Instagram :D @ artistsjoinmeinthearts I'll be posting some pictures of Washington and Oregon and hopefully some art! Bye! Thank you so much for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2015 ⏰

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