Chapter 2

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-----3 years later-----

"Raelyn Ann Rosario! You are here because you have been accused of murdering a young man, 23 years old, named James Miles. He was killed using illegal magic. You can confess, or prove you didn't do it. Punishment is ten years in prison.  Your choice.  

"I didn't do it! I swear on my life!"

"Witnesses! Prove quilty or not, and we can all go home."

Two people walk in.  I don't recognize any of them.  

The tall, middle aged man speaks up. "Judge, this young lady didn't do it.  She wasn't involved, and wasn't even at the scene of the crime."

"Next witness," the judge says. 

"Your Honor, Raelyn is a good person, with a thirteen-year-old sister. She would never do anything like this.  I should know.  She my... daughter." says the short, blonde woman. 

"What?  No, no, no, your kidding. It's impossible! She's dead! She died in a car accident when I was ten, along with my father and older sister!" I exclaim. 

"It's true.  I am your mother.  I didn't get in a car accident, and I never did want to leave you, but it was too dangerous." Now tears fill her eyes.  "I wish I could have seen you grow up into the beautiful young woman you are.  I still don't know how I was able to leave you," she says. She starts walking toward me.  I just run into her open arms, and hug her for the longest time, while the jury just stares.

"Mommy.. I can't believe it, I thought you were dead.  For ten years, I thought we were completely alone.  You left us, and we had no idea you were still alive! How could you?  I'm sorry... I just... I can't believe you're here! I love you so much, don't ever leave us again!"

"I promise, it will never happen again.  It was just too dangerous to take you two with us, we couldn't let you get hurt.  Now that you are older you can come with your father and I on our missions.  And we won't leave you ever again, okay?" she says.

"Okay.. I love you, Mom." I answer.  

The judge clears his throat, rather rudely, considering I thought my mom was dead for ten years and have just reunited with her.  

"Please continue, Mrs. Rosario," he rudely says.  

"Anyway, Raelyn is too... How do I put this nicely... Umm... Wimpy to actually kill someone, no offense, Raelyn." she says.

"Oh, um, none taken, um... Mom," I say in reply, giddy to be saying "mom" as I haven't been able to really call anyone that in a long time.  As a child, Abi and I went to several foster homes and orphanages, and I was never really comfortable with calling any 'Mom" or "Dad," even if they insisted.  Some left us in the streets, homeless with no money, food, or shelter. It wasn't until I was old enough to work that I bought us our own place to feel safe for once, to call home.  

2 hours later, I was proven innocent.  Abi was excited to see Mom, even though she barely remembers her.  Later on, Dad and Miranda came over, though I don't know how they found our house, because, of course, I haven't talked to or seen them in ten years. We just talked for a while, catching up on each other's lives.  I set up a bed in the living room for Mom and Dad and get a blanket and pillow for Miranda on the couch.  We go to bed after a big dinner at a really fancy restruant, that working for two months at our cheesey McDonalds couldn't pay for it.  

I say goodnight to everyone and head off to bed, only to find a mysterious note on my bed. 


Hey, look! I updated again! I hope you enjoy! You guys are lucky that I updated, because I fell off my longboard and my hands are horribly scratched up.  My shoulder and my knee got bruised and my arm is really sore for some reason.  I had a bad night.  

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