~Explaining certain things

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Between the two kingdoms,Each has a special place and element.In queen Anna's kingdom her element is Fire spirit.Which looks like a lizard that is full blue.With light blue on the tummy.When it feels threatened it burst out in flames.When it feels safe the flames go out.Normally curious.

In queens Elsa's kingdom her element was a water/ice horse that she often used to ride around on

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In queens Elsa's kingdom her element was a water/ice horse that she often used to ride around on.Her horse has two sides.One is water which she can evaporate into water when in this side can't go on land.Second side is ice.Whilst on ice side she can go on both water and land.

Whilst on ice side she can go on both water and land

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And the Special element tree.Both kingdoms have one Special element trees each depending on what part they lived on.This special tree was said to be the source of Elsa's and Anna's powers.When they were young and The two kingdoms were one,the tree was a whole tree.Fire on one side and on the other was water/ice.But after the kingdoms split so did the tree.One side broke from the other.Until the original single tree made two trees.The trees was both located towards the edge of the border.One covered in Ice the other covered in flames.

One covered in Ice the other covered in flames

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~(What tree used to look like)

~(What tree used to look like)

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~(Now trees look like.Act like it is white with crystals down it not pink,this is also Else's Special element tree)

Act like it is white with crystals down it not pink,this is also Else's Special element tree)

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~(This is Anna's Special element tree)


.Both parents were in a car accident and is dead.

.Sisters balamed each other.

.Used to know Hans because Hans dad is a local King.One of the Sisters were supposed to marry him.

.Sisters every year on a certain day hold a ritual to decide which newborn goes to which place.If parents in opposit kingdom then the baby goes to the day care and looked after.

.Sisters feud all the time.

.Hate each other.


.Cant say what exactly it will ruin surprise but something shocking happened that brang the two sisters together by force though they still hate each other

.Kingdom slowly tears apart after fighting each other.

.Something happens to the Special elements trees.(Both of them)



Sorry this isn't a proper scene I just wanted to let you know more about the trees and the elements since they are the center of this book.And some spoilers so you know roughly what to expect in this book.Hope you enjoying so far.And if you have any ideas please leave it in comments.

Hope you have a good day.

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