His voice started to crack as the tears were streaming down from his eyes

You went towards him and cupped his chicks and wiped away his tears

Taehyung : I didn't wanted to make you cry because of me. How could I make you feel sad when you never let me be sad. You hold my hand when there was no one with me. You wiped my tears when no one did. You stayed with me when everyone left...

You felt a lump forming in your throat as you realized how much he cared for you

Taehyung : I couldn't be that shellfish to drag you in my sadness when you already did enough for me...

Overwhelmed with emotions you hugged him tightly as he buried his face in crook of your neck and you could feel cold tears touching your skin

Y/N : You should have told me everything. And how could you think that you'll burden me. I was there with you because I wanted to.

You gently rubbed his back to comfort him as he held you more tightly

Y/N : I'm always there for you. You're not alone alright. It's okay.

Taehyung : It was all my fault..

He said between his continuous sobs

Y/N : It was not your fault alone. Whatever happened we both were responsible for it.

You said parting from hug as you don't feel regret anymore

Taehyung : It's killing me. It's hard to live with all the regret.

Y/N : We all make mistakes and at the end regret. Whatever decisions we take are according to the situations we are in. At that time whatever decisions we take, whatever things we do are beneficial for us according to our point of view.

You gave him a small smile as looked at you trying to understand what you're trying to say

Y/N : But sometimes as the time passes we realize that the things we did thinking that it was right turns out to be wrong.

You both looked at each other sincerely

Y/N : We should leave everything behind and move on in our life.

He nods at your statement

Taehyung : Let's fix everything we did wrong and move on.

He said wiping away his tears as you gave him a proud smile

Taehyung : Should we go now it's getting late?

You nod your head

Y/N : I'm hungry let's eat something!

Taehyung: What you wanna eat?

Y/N : Street food! I missed Korean street food lot in London.

Hu chuckled and said

Taehyung : Let's go


Walking on the street at night with your bestfriend while having ice-cream is the thing you missed a lot in past few years

Taehyung : It's been years since we are walking like this together. It brings back so many good memories of our childhood.

He said excitedly

Y/N : We had a beautiful childhood.

You said remembering those beautiful days as you feel to go back in time

Taehyung : But there was one ugly thing in our childhood.

Y/N : What?

You asked passing him a confused look

Taehyung : You

Y/N : I'll kill you!!

You said annoyed hitting him on his arm

As you both reached near your house Taehyung suddenly spoke

Taehyung : Y/n I want to say something.

Y/n : What is it?

Taehyung : I didn't made any friends in this past years after you left. Before also I only head you as bestfriend and after you left I couldn't make any.

Y/n : Now I don't think you'll need any. I'm back now.

You said throwing him a wink

Taehyung : I mean to say, it was you and its still you-



So finally this emotional rollercoaster has came to an end..😌

It was a beautiful journey with you guys and I'm thankful that you read it till the end 😊

💜 Witcyprincess

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