NijiSinger: Fang Tanaka|Zombies! Rip and Tear! lmao|Nijisanji EN

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3rd POV

Every Vtuber will always have a cute or cool loading screen, thousands and thousands of viewers couldn't wait for the new member to start his stream.

But for now they get to see one of the coolest loading screen's in all of Nijisanji, the familiar Vampire is seen on a cliff with his eyes closed and a small smirk in his face that made him look hot.

The animation was superb, the high resolution makes it even better. While he's standing idly at the glistening moon, the moon itself is the very own waiting time since it's circling around which makes it look cute.

A soothing piano is the background music that made it look ten times cooler. Everyone was ecstatic and excited, and with their new member having such cool loading screen, they instantly subscribed to the Immortal Vampire. Oh, and clicked the notification bell of course.

And when the time is right, the Epic loading screen suddenly vanished in thin air and was replaced by the one and only Fang Tanaka.

His handsome face plus sultry smile made everyone scream in their seats, the amount of "Daddy" jokes makes Milord to shame.

Some greeted normally and that's fine, but some already became down bad. So this is the life of a handsome man, but he's loving it.

Y/N: Hello~.

His deep and sexy voice can make a person quiver in excitement, honestly he should've been a model instead of a Vtuber.

Y/N: How are you guys?

"OH MY GOSH! HE'S SO HOT!!" "Is this Milord's new rival?" "Marry me Senpai!!

Y/N: Haha, wow. You guys are hyped up today.

"Yeah, so many simps... I like it"

Y/N: "So many simps- HAHA. True. Anyways chat, as I said in my Senpai's streams I'll be playing a game I found very interesting. And that is called, Left 4 Dead 2.

He then switched to the own main menu of the game with a background of zombies roaming around while some fight. Everyone in the chat is ready but some were curious.

"Is this your first time?"

Y/N: Yes chat. This is my first time playing the game. I was never really a fond of zombie games but this one looks cool.

"Oh you're in for a wild ride Senpai" "Good luck!"

Y/N: "You're in for a wild ride" Why? Is it scary? I hope it is.

He then pressed the Solo Campaign mode and the first map is of course, Dead Center.

Y/N: Okay, what difficulty?

The majority of the choices said Advanced or Expert making Y/N sweatdrop and chuckle.

Y/N: You guys really want me to die early huh? Fine, I'll do it.

He switched the difficulty to Advanced since Expert is gonna be the death of him.

Y/N: Ahh, so there're four characters here. Should I play Ellis or...?

Some people agreed while some wants it to be Coach or Nick. Rochelle is the odd one out so he just choosed her out of respect.

Y/N: Don't @ me.

Pressing the play button, he waited for the loading screen to finish, and finally the first map is underway with the survivors frantically tried to get the attention of the helicopter to no avail.

Coach: Ahh, he ain't coming back! I thought they were supposed to be saving our asses!

Nick: Looks like there's been change of plans.

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