Do you actually love me?

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~jades pov~

It was another boring day at Hollywood Arts, we were at lunch and tori wouldn't shut up about her life I don't care about, cat was playing with my keys, André was playing his piano which was extremely annoying, Robbie was staring at cat with so much love in his eyes and beck was no where to be seen.
"What do I do I really like this guy but I don't know if he likes me back" tori complained
"I don't care and I'm going to find beck" I said standing up and waking off inside the building

I made my way to the lockers and saw beck with some girl who was touching his arm, nothing good can come from this. I angrily walk over to them so I can confront them.
"Get your hands off of him" I say threateningly
"No and anyway I'm sure he doesn't even like you he should be with me instead" she says
"In your dreams" I laugh
"I bet he only stays with you because no one else will put up with you" she said "it's causing him so much pain so he should just leave you for me"
"You wanna see pain!" I yell and launch my self at her ready to fight but beck pulls me back
"Jade calm down"
"Don't tell me what to do!" I shout and release myself from his grip and go back over to the table where the gang is, beck is running after me.

"Cat give me my keys back" I demand
"Kaykay" she says handing them over

I run over to my car and drive out of Hollywood arts and just drive I don't know where just somewhere.

I've got so many messages and missed calls from beck but I choose to ignore them, if he flirts with other girls then this is what he gets in return.

I find myself driving to a park.

I walk around and go over to the swings, I just sit on them.

I looked on the slap to see if anyone had loaded anything and they had

Who took Rex's shoes!!!
Feeling: angry 😡

Just wrote a new song, I can't wait to sing it to everyone!
Feeling: excited 😆

I like a guy but i don't know what to do?
Feeling: nervous 😬

Jade where are you??? Please answer my messages.
I'm worried, please call me
Feeling: worried 😩

Jade please message us beck is sooooooo worried that you aren't answering your phone and he just wants to talk to you and so do I
Please please please answer us
Feeling: scared 😳

I decided to go through some of the messages as well that I've gotten from the gang.

The gang:
Beck: anyone know where jade is and jade if you're reading this please message me.
Andre: sorry man I don't know
Cat: I have no idea
Cat: one time my brother went missing and we called the police and he has a while missing file report and everything, we found him hiding in a bush
Andre: okayyyy
Tori: I'm sure we will find her

The og gang:
Beck: jade answer us please
Cat: please jadey we miss you

Tori 🖕:
Please answer us or at least one of us beck is so worried x

Of course she adds a kiss acting as if we are friends, typical tori

puppet guy:
Jade please message us

Jade answer your phone everyone is extremely worried

Kitty Cat 😽:
Jade please please answer I wanna know if your okay please don't be dead I can't live without you 😢😭

Beck 🤍😘:
Jade answer me or any of us please I need to know if you're okay I love you so much just please message me if you don't want to message me then at least message cat she's about to cry she's so scared that you've died please jade I love you so much xx ❤️

Why are they acting as if I've been missing a whole week I left school and it's still that day, I check the time on my phone and realise that it's been 4 hours. Was I really driving for that long?

~Carly pov~

Everyone told us that jade has been gone since she left school at lunch earlier so I said that Sam and I will look for her and plus we can catch up.
"So how was Italy?" Sam asked me
"It was great and the guy I met is so kind and I think he's the one" I replied
"That's cool" she said
"So how's L.A" I questioned
"Good probably not as exciting as Italy but it's been great" she answers
"Does this happen all the time with jade" I say
"I don't know I only met them about a day or two before you did" she said

We reach a park and walk around and we saw someone who looks like jade on the swings. We sneak around to see if it's actually her and it was, we told the others without talking to jade (which is what we were told to do).

We sent them our location and they arrived in 10 minutes.

~jades pov~

I've been at the park scaring off children for around another hour and I'm getting bored but I have nothing to do so I stay, there are no more updates on the slap apart from peoples updates I don't care about.

In the distance I see a red head girl run towards me, it must be cat. she makes it over to me and gives me probably the biggest hug ever I see everyone else a few feet behind her.
"Omg jade I thought you died!!" She exclaimed
"Well I didn't" I say
"You can let go of me now"

She releases her grip and I see beck, tori, André, Robbie, Carly, Sam and Freddie.
I stand up about to leave but beck grabs my hand.
"Jade please can we talk" he begs
"Fine" i sigh
"Why did you leave and not reply to anyone"
"Relax I've only been gone five hours and have been gone longer before" I explain
"I know but I didn't know if you were okay"
"Well I am can I please go now"
"Look jade that girl is just a friend probably not even that I swear she just happened to put her hand on me when you walked into the building and she means nothing to me, jade your the girl I love and the only one please forgive me" he says
"You didn't brush her off though"
"I was about to but then you walked over I swear there is nothing going on between us"
"Fine I forgive you" I say and he embraces me into his arms tightly "say you love me"
"I love you and I will never stop loving you" he says
"I love you too" I said and he gives me a quick passionate kiss on the lips

We all head over to Tori's house to hand out and play some games but the guy she likes shows up and they start to talk then make out so we left them and went over to cats instead.

"So does that happen all the time" Carly asked
"Not all the time but when it does she usually replied to at least one of us but she didn't so we all got really worried" beck said
"I was gone five hours"
"And those five hours felt like five years, jade we thought you died and I didn't want that to happen because I love you to much and I wouldn't be able to live without you" he says and gives me a kiss on the forehead
"If I was gone over 24 hours then I get why you'd be worried but 5 hours seriously?" I said slightly yelling
"Oh so your mad at me for being worried about you" he says
I guess I can't really be mad over that.
"I'm sorry" I say
"I'm sorry too"

Shortly after tori bursts through the door crying.
"What happened" André asked
"We hooked up and after I asked him on a date but he turned me down he only wanted to get into my pants" she cries
"It'll be ok" André says reassuringly
"I want to kill myself" she sobs
"Well that makes two of us wanting you gone" I mumble under my breathe

Tori finally calms down and we all do an all nighter together

Wow I haven't posted in ages (sorry)
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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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