Chapter 14: The Disappearing Fish on Ikkaku Rock

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"We caught so many, but we won't get to eat them!" Ayumi peered into her bucket of fish.

"The professor is busy after all." Mitsuhiko sighed.

"Well then, how about I prepare it for you?" Subaru offered.

"You can cook?" Genta asked in surprise.

"Well just a little bit. I'm not up there with the professional chefs, but I can manage home dishes. If the professor would let me borrow his kitchen, then I'll treat you guys to it." Subaru told them.

"I'll help too! Maybe we can grill the fish. Or make some tempura." I started to think of ideas.

"I want eel over rice!" Genta insisted.


"Hey guys! Look at this pretty sunset!" Iwao motioned. The view was certainly breathtaking.

"Wow!" Mitsuhiko exclaimed as he and the other kids got a closer look.

"It's so pretty!" Genta agreed.

"What's the pointy thing coming from the surface of the water?" Ayumi suddenly asked.

"That's Ikkaku Rock. Long ago, there was a sea dragon with a horn on its head, which is why it was known as the Ikkaku Dragon. The dragon grew angry when the fisherman caught its young, so it placed its horn above the water to protect its home, or so the legend goes." Iwao said. "Fishermen only view the rock from a distance since it is said that any ship that approaches it sinks. Do you guys want to take a look at it?"

"But won't our ship sink?" Mitsuhiko said

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"But won't our ship sink?" Mitsuhiko said.

"It will be fine!" Iwao chuckled. "They also say that kids who visit the rock will develop into perfect swimmers. The dragon loves kids."

"Then let's go!" the detective boys shouted eagerly.


"It's huge!" I said as we approached the rock and everyone else agreed as well.

"Hey what are you guys doing? That's Ikkaku Rock!" a man in a nearby ship shouted.

"It's fine! They are kids anyways." another person replied.

"I wonder what that was about." Ayumi said as the boat left.

"Who are they?" Genta asked.

"They started diving here recently. They are friends with some company president's daughter I think. Anyways, Ikkaku Rock is also known as the children's rock, so enjoy it to your heart's content."


"Alright! Smile!" I told the detective boys as they posed for a picture.

"Could I borrow that for a moment?" Subaru suddenly asked and I handed him my phone. He held the phone and walked closer to the detective boys before pausing in front of Haibara. "There's something written on the rock behind you."

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