all i wanted was you

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it had been a few weeks since jean and diluc had started dating. both got to know each others routines especially to learn when the other finishes work so they could pester them to come home.

diluc was lucky to wake up before jean was able to succumb him back into the blanket and cuddle with her more while she was half asleep. he had just entered the tavern. work started at around 7am. he began to open up just as his younger brother waltzed into the tavern

"oh dearest brother, what a pleasure it is to see your grumpy face each day" he chuckled in his usual demeanour

diluc huffed "non alcoholic drinks are served until 9pm, you'll be getting no drinks at all if you don't get straight to the point"

kaeya chuckled again, the fact he had forgotten his own birthday had amused him

diluc rolled his eyes and dried some wet cups with a cloth

"you do realise what today is right diluc?" kaeya asked slightly concerned

"no, i don't really care either." he replied bitterly

"i see, well it's your birthday shouldn't you be at the winery celebrating with jean or something?" kaeya asked with his usual cheeky grin

diluc stopped to think about the words that had just left his brothers mouth. maybe he should take a day off. never did this day sit right with him

he informed charles of his sudden leave, no word said to kaeya or anyone else, but kaeya knew that he was in for a treat nonetheless

jean had known the date from the moment she had woken up. this was bad news for her at the moment as she had waited until today to come up with something to give to her beloved

of course she was equipped with ideas but she did need extra guidance to help her extend on her ideas. luckily lisa was there to help her

jean got dressed and rushed to headquarters in search of her best friend to which she found her performing her usual library duties

"oh, there you are cutie" lisa said in relief "i was highly curious as to whether you were in your office working or just late"

"i mustn't work today lisa, you know what day it is" jean said confidently

"i see, well what ideas did you have in mind for him?" she asked

jean had many ideas and explained them all to lisa but there was one she didn't say as she wanted to keep it as a surprise and unknown to the others

"your ideas are great but there's one that i feel he would appreciate the most" lisa stated

"oh, which do you think is best?" jean asked. she felt as if she needed the advice of her best friend to make this day as good as she could for diluc

"i think getting him a bouquet of dandelions would be a good idea, your other ideas are great but you'll exhaust yourself" she explained

"alright, i understand. i'll make sure to not exhaust myself, thank you for your advice lisa i appreciate it" jean thanked her as she rushed out the room

she left the favonius building and walked around mondstadt for a while contemplating what to do. she was going to personally make him a bouquet of dandelions but she had another idea in mind. then she realised, why not do both?

she rushed to windrise and collected dandelions for her bouquet then she went back to headquarters to sort through everything in order to make the bouquet

meanwhile diluc returned to the winery as he expected jean would still be there, asleep possibly. to his surprise she was nowhere to be found

he asked the maids if they had seen her but all they knew is that she left the winery and not her location. he was slightly worried but he stayed at the winery in case of her return

jean had now finished making the bouquet and now she had one more thing she wanted to get for diluc. she managed to make a quick trip to marjorie's shop to pick up the thing she had requested a couple days prior to his birthday

she now had everything she needed, about an hour later she returned to the winery

"you're back dear, i was worried about you" diluc said

"i'm sorry that i worried you but happy birthday" jean smiled, greeting him with a hug and a kiss on the cheek

he embraced her warmth and hugged her, resting his chin on the top of her head

"thank you" he smiled slightly

"oh, these are for you! i hope they are to your liking" she said as she handed him the dandelion bouquet and the custom made tortoise plush

he took a moment to see what he was being given and he blushed slightly. the thought of her thinking about him and giving him gifts made him melt inside

"thank you so much, i love them. i love you" he said, kissing her forehead

"you're welcome, i'm glad you like them"

"you know, i really appreciate your gifts to me" he stroked her hair "but something that i really wanted was you"

"aww you're so cheesy but it's cute i love you so much" she replied, blushing and looking down due to embarrassment

"cute, now let's celebrate my birthday shall we?" he asked

for the rest of the day, the two did things of dilucs choice. they walked along falcon coast to enjoy the view and to chat, they baked a cake together back at the winery and when the day was coming to an end, they travelled to starsnatch cliff to watch the stars

"the stars are just as gorgeous as you, dear" jean said softly, smiling at him

jean, you need to take a breakWhere stories live. Discover now