(Y/n) and Zatanna glared up in defiance but said nothing. They knew they were beaten and any attempt at defiance would only end with innocent people dying.

Crimson: "Good. I'll see you soon."

Crimson left and jumped out the back of the truck. The second he was gone two other Hunters climbed into the back and the truck started to move.

The two Hunters sat across from each other. (Y/n) and Zatanna lay on the ground between them, tied up and seemingly helpless.

Zatanna: "Eerf su."

The ropes loosened off and floated to the top of the tarp. (Y/n) and Zatanna sprung into action. They each tackled a Hunter and the brutally desperate fight began.

(Y/n) knew he would have to be fast. Zatanna's injury meant that she wouldn't be able to fight for long.

Back with Nightwing and Rocket, the newest Justice League member was carrying her former teammate as they flew after the trucks. Nightwing wasn't able to get into a position to attack before the trucks began to leave so they were forced to follow them.

Unfortunately for the heroes, the three trucks split up, each taking a different route.

Rocket: "Now what?! We can't lose them!"

Nightwing: "Take the one on the right!"

Rocket flew down as fast as she could and the two broke through the trap roof over the back of the old Soviet army surplus. When they landed in the truck bed they were surrounded by students from the university. A single Hunter rushed towards Nightwing with his axe ready to strike, growling the entire way.

Nightwing threw a small knife he'd taken off a soldier and it lodged in Hunter's shoulder. Rocket then trapped him in a bubble and launched him into the sky.

Rocket: "You cut the ropes I'll deal with the driver!"

Rocket launched out through the tarp acting as a roof and quickly knocked the driver out of the truck. Nightwing cut the ropes holding the hostages and they all jumped out the back the second the truck stopped.

Rocket grabbed Nightwing and they flew off towards the closest truck while the hostages ran towards the city.

They came to a crossroads with both passes leading into an industrial sector of the city.

Rocket: "Which way!"

Nightwing: "I-I don't know. They might not even be in this truck."

(Y/n): "Well, we were."

Nightwing and Rocket spun around to see (Y/n) and Zatanna limping towards them from the side of the road. Zatanna has her arm around (Y/n)'s neck and is using him to stabilize herself.

Rocket: "You escaped?!"

(Y/n): "Why so surprised?"

Zatanna: "We're professionals."

A massive smile formed on (Y/n)'s face and he gently kissed Zatanna's cheek. Zatanna blushed hard and Rocket laughed.

(Y/n): "Let's get out of here before Crimson realizes that we escaped."

Wonder Girl: "We can help with that."

The four looked up to see Wonder Girl and Beast Boy flying down to them. Beast Boy transformed from a hawk to himself and landed in the center of the group while Wonder Girl gently touched down on the outskirts.

Beast Boy: "We got here as fast as we could."

The bio-ship appeared above them and slowly descended to the point where the group could climb aboard. (Y/n) helped Zatanna up the ramp and the two limped over to a bench in the cargo hold.

Young Justice: Directive 51 (Male Reader X Young Justice)Where stories live. Discover now