The Landing

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I don't own anything

(Sorry for the late update I've been sick and I've also been dealing with finals)

The American landing crafts hit the beach with the Marines and Abrams pouring out onto the beach head to set up a FOB. As the Line Ark transport helicopter went further inland to recon and sabotage the sapin military. In the command tent some Marines and Line Ark personnel are discussing plans "1st and 2nd company will be heading further inland towards the capital while 3rd and 4th are going to diverge and clean up the local villages on the way there 3rd company has the South while 4th company has the North. Any questions" the soldiers in the room stayed quiet "alright then let's do this thing."

1st and 2nd company

"Contacts straight ahead" the tank commander called out of the comms. The convoy coming to a complete stop as the tanks zeroed in on the small army in front of them "FIRE!" The tanks unleashed their salvos of HE shells upon the unsuspecting sapins as soon as the first shells hit and the night sky was lit up with the orange glow of the explosions. The sapins scattered like ants. Through the scope of the leading tank the gunner could see a man in ornate armor trying to get control over his panicking troops "that must be the commander, load anti personal" the loader slid the shell into the barrel "away!" The shell left with a loud explosion not much different from the ones around it but half way to it's target the shell exploded sending small metals darts in the direction of its target. The darts tore apart the commander and his horse while also obliterating the surrounding soldiers. The fight if you could call it that continued on for about another minute until the battle field went silent and the convoy continued there steady charge as they rolled through the now destroyed camp with the occasional grown coming from somewhere from the few unlucky sapins that didn't die a quick death. While the tanks drove over bodies forever staining there tracks a crimson red.

Main sapin military camp

The general of the sapin military can be seen pacing back and forth in his personal quarters worried about the unsettling reports he was getting about the conflict first his expeditionary forces stopped responding and now reporters of the steel dragons near his location. The general stopped his pacing staring blankly at the wall in deep thought until he heard a creak in the floor behind him 'strange I didn't hear the door open' his eyes widen when he realized what it was he turned around and unsheathed his sword in one quick motion only to be met with nothing. He let out a laugh 'maybe all this stress is getting to me' he continued to laugh to himself 'maybe when this war is over I should re..." his thought was cut off by a garrote wire being wrapped around his throat  as the ghost revealed itself the general tried desperately to free his neck with his left hand only for the ghost to tighten the wire cutting deeper into his neck. The general couldn't turn to see the man but out of his peripheral vision he could see the shadow of the ghost on the wall illuminated by the candle light in the room he turned his sword around in his hands and thrusted back in hope of hitting the assassin only for him to graze the assassins leg with him letting out a low grunt of pain. The ghost kicked the general in the back of his leg making him fall to his knees with the last bit of energy he had the general stood up and slammed the assassin against the wall in a last ditch effort to get him off, the assassin gasped for hair but tightened his hold on the wire and quickly recovering as the last bit of energy left the general's body the only thing he could do now was wait to die as he felt his life slipping away 'so this is where I die not on the battlefield with my troops in honor of the kingdom or with my family but in my office by the hands of an assassin none the less.' The general's body went limp his eyes going dull as the assassin retracted the wire and finally spoke "this is spector 1-1 primary target KIA moving in for Intel and demolition" the ghost searched the office taking pictures of any important documents he could find after he was done he placed C4 charges around the office "this is spector 1-1 moving to extract" the ghost turned invisible as it existed the room and made his way to his extraction, the main building of the camp was ingulfed in a fiery explosion soon after.

(I hope yall enjoyed this chapter when I feel better and finals are over I'll be able to update more)

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