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We have already reached 2K Reads!! ^^ I never expected to reach this after 10 Chapters but I am so thankful for that :D You are amazing!

With a loud bang, Carlo's room door was thrown open and the Spaniard was startled from his sleep. "What the...?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "CARLOS", before the Ferrari driver was really awake, he was attacked by Lando, who stormed into the room and jumped under Carlo's bed covers. "What's the matter with you little one?" asked Carlos and lifted the blanket a bit. Lando just crawled a little farther and stuck his head out. "There's a ghost living in my room," the Brit trembled. Carlos immediately had to grin. "There are no ghosts Lando" "Oh yes there are!" Lando exclaimed and now rolled himself up completely in the blanket like a sushi roll, but he didn't notice that the bed was over and landed painfully on the floor. "I'd really like to see the ghost," Carlos laughed and then fought his way out of bed to free his best friend from the blanket.


Pierre was up very early and had just come home from a round of jogging. He likes going for a run early in the morning when it's not too busy. Although they don't exactly live in a big city, but they're not in exile either. They didn't have any neighbors, but there was a residential area a 5-minute walk through the forest. Pierre was just making his way into the kitchen to see if anyone was awake when Alex came towards him. "Good Morning. Where are you comming from?" the Thai greeted him friendly. "Morning Alex. I was running a lap" Pierre explained and pointed to the door behind him. "Ah, that's what I was going to do with George this morning, but he hasn't appeared since I suggested it and I just can't find him." Alex crossed his arms, making Pierre smile. "Maybe he's hiding in the basement," said Pierre. "I was just about to go look for it. George is so lazy, but I won't let him get away with that" the Williams driver laughed and Pierre just had to grin even more. "We'll see each other later," Alex said and then walked on. Pierre can't help but think these two are really cute together.

When entering the kitchen, the Frenchman discovered Sebastian, Charles and Max. Max and Charles were arguing loudly about something and Seb calmly read the newspaper and made sure that the kitchen didn't burn down. "What's going on here?" asked Pierre and sat down next to Sebastian at the table and glanced at the arguing drivers. "Both of them still have to cook because they finished the race on P1 and 2", Seb explained and looked up briefly from his newspaper. "I thought it was Charles and Carlos at first?" "Yes, but Carlos isn't awake yet," Seb said and Pierre nodded in understanding. "Max stop now! We don't need any more salt!" "But we do, otherwise it sucks!" "Max!" Charles tried to steal the salt shaker from Max's hand, but Max wouldn't let him and held it behind his back, whereupon Charles only pulled more on the Dutchman. As Max braced himself against the shelf, he knocked over a glass and a spoon on the floor. Pierre watched the action with wide eyes. He can already see how one of the two is hurting himself, but he didn't want to interfere.

"Good morning," trilled Lando, who entered the kitchen with Carlos, but remained rooted to the doorway and looked at Max and Charles. "Should we get to safety?" he whispered to Seb and Pierre. "Don't worry, they won't bite us," Seb murmured and finally put down the newspaper to talk to his friends. "I thought I had to cook," Carlos remarked with a grin and then sat down at the table as well. He was glad he didn't have to. "You weren't awake" replied Pierre and Seb at the same time and then started to laugh. "Yes I was, Lando woke me up because he has ghosts in his room," laughed the Spaniard and Lando crossed his arms in insult. "That's true, I heard noises!" Immediately Seb's gaze slid to Lando. "What noises?" he asked. "Such a scratchy" described the McLaren driver. "I heard that too, but I thought it was one of you," Max said, but the others just shook their heads. "I definitely don't want to find out what it was because it scared me," Lando mumbled and Carlos laughed again. "He saw that horror movie the other day, he's been paranoid ever since," he explained and the others started laughing. "You have to take something like that seriously, Carlos. I don't want to die" "But you have to be careful, the little ones always die first in the films" Max continued to annoy him and the laughter of the others grew louder and louder. Slowly, more and more drivers came out of their rooms to have breakfast together.

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