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I am sooo sorry for not posting anything for so long, but I had so much school stuff to do and literally no time to write beside Behind Green Eyes. But now I have some new stuff to read for you guys ^^

"Lando, I swear to you, if this is going to be like that chaos on the way to the airport, I'll kill you myself." Max looked warningly through the rear-view mirror at his British friend, who was sitting in the back seat with an innocent look on his face. The boys landed at the airport in one piece and are now on their way home. "Don't act like it was all my fault," Lando muttered, rolling his eyes. "Whose fault should it have been?" Daniel asked confused as he slid into the seat next to Max. "Ask them both who tickled me." Lando pointed to the Ferrari guys next to him, who innocently looked out of the window. "Lando, I wouldn't get involved in a 2-on-1 with the Ferrari guys," laughed Daniel. "Because I'm going to beat them." "Because you'd be stone cold to lose," Daniel corrected, causing Lando to cross his arms in disgust. He would have expected more support from his teammates in particular. "We can find out at home," Lando murmured softly.

"Why exactly didn't Nico want to come with us and visit Seb?" Fernando wanted to know from Lewis. But Lewis had already asked himself this question and just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know." A quiet clearing of his throat drew the two world champions' attention to Mick, who inconspicuously slipped onto the seat next to them. "Mick, do you know anything about Nico?" Lewis tried to motivate the young German to tell his unequivocal message. Maybe he'll dare to say something on his own at some point. Like Lando, who can't keep his mouth shut all day. "Yes, Nico told me he wanted to come, but he can't because of his family. His parents are coming to visit this week and he absolutely has to be at home," explained the German and Lewis looked at Fernando understandingly. "That makes sense" "Well Lewis not everyone is like us and moves in with 19 crazy people" Fernando said amused. "Then I'm glad I'm not the only one. Right Nando?" The three drivers started to laugh.


They've been on the road for quite a while now. While Alex was asleep, Lance and Esteban sang along loudly to the radio, not hitting a note. George wondered how the Thai could sleep in peace with all that screaming. He was about to cover his ears, but Pierre stopped him by nudging him over the sleeping Alex. The Brit looked a bit surprised when Pierre looked at him almost uncertainly and nervously tapped his fingers on his knee. "Pierre?" George asked after Pierre still hadn't said anything. "Well, I don't want to give the wrong impression but... you and Alex are more like friends, aren't you?" Lance and Esteban sang so loud that Pierre's murmuring was almost drowned out, but George could still hear him. "How does this question come about?" George asked surprised. "Well, if you watch the way you interact and talk to each other. It all seems very familiar and I was just curious and wanted to ask if there was more," explained Pierre. "Of course we're more, we're best friends," George said  with a huge grin on his face as his eyes fell on the sleeping Williams driver. Knowingly, Pierre now grinned too and nodded slowly. "I see. Best friends then?" he grinned and George nodded quickly. "Yes of course" he lovingly stroked Alex's hair and Pierre leaned back contentedly in his seat. In that case he probably knows more than the two 'best friends', but isn't that always the case?


"How long have you been waiting here?" laughed Yuki, who arrived at the parking lot in front of the house together with Mick, Fernando and Lewis. The other drivers were all there already, sitting with their luggage on the stairs to the house. "At least 15 minutes," grumbled Max, poking around in the gravel with a stick. "Lewis has the house key," said Valtteri, leaning on the banister. Uncomprehending, Lewis raised his hands. "Why didn't you ring the bell? Seb is at home after all" Am I working with monkeys or what? Lewis wondered, looking for his key in his pocket. "Seb isn't home," Lance corrected, and Lewis felt like slapping himself for his thoughts. Of course there has to be a reason, the drivers aren't idiots. "Seb isn't there? Where is he?" Lewis asked, trying to suppress his embarrassment. "We don't know, otherwise we'd be in there by the time we met him to ask Lewy," Lando giggled and the others started laughing too. "I think you need a hat of sleep, what do you think?" Laughed Valtteri, who had put his hand on his former teammate's shoulder and looked at him understandingly. Without saying anything, Lewis just nodded. He doesn't want to feel the way he does right now, but maybe Valtteri is right and he just needs sleep. So he unlocked the door and the drivers poured into the house.

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