Battlefield Boyfriends

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Todoroki doesn't fight the gravity that pulls him, using his own momentum to manoeuvre himself. The wind whips over his skin, making a fine flag of his tousled hair. Shouto hates to admit it, flight is more Katsuki's thing. Nevertheless, he thinks he looks somewhat elegant as he plunges within a spiral of glass and flames. The glowing shards fall with the grace of snow, yet in truth he's sure it looks more like a wild avalanche to the onlookers the other side of the windows. Flames push him back towards the agency building before he uses his ice to controllably slide down it.
At least he wasn't on the highest floor...


Arriving on the scene seems to be a feat in itself. Kirishima battles (somewhat gently) against the stream of fleeing civilians. Through the scattered shouts and panic, he can clearly hear the sounds of fighting stemming from the front of the agency. Adrenaline spikes in his blood as his senses turn on high alert.
"Red Riot!" A fellow Pro-Hero calls beside him, voice strained.
"Glad you're here. It's a mad house."
Kirishima recognises him, the drill limbs guy from UA. He never actually caught his name, but he'd never forget the way his arms rotate at such a high speed, turning blurry at the velocity. So cool.
"What's the situation?" He says instead, letting his eyes flicker over the tangle of heroes and villains decorating Endeavour's front door. The fight looks messy.
"It's bad. We're trying to identify what's causing the agency building to shake but there's so many villains it's hard to-"
"You're no match for me, heroes! Watch the power of my quirk amd tremble!" Screams a miscellaneous villain close to their right. It opens it's mouth in an unnaturally wide way – a plume of purple fire spilling out. The both of them jump apart, avoiding the stream.
Before the villain gets much further, it's suddenly blast straight to the floor with a sickening crack.

"Give me a fucking break."
Kirishima tries not to grin as he watches the one and only Bakugou Katsuki kick at the villains' unconscious body. His shirt is in shreds, face smeared with who knows what.
(AKA hot as fuck.) His eyes definitely keep above the blonde's waist, and the washboard abs, and those deliciously squishy pecs...

Seemingly judging the villain wouldn't be up and about for a while, Bakugou straightens. They immediately lock eyes.
"What are you doing here, shitty hair?" Bakugou yells across the space, grabbing a piece of debris to literally launch it across the battlefield.
"Helping!" He shouts back, eyes wide as the projectile manages to hit another villain square in the forehead.

"Where's your suit?"
"I didn't have time! Where's yours?"
"Fuck off!"
"Where's Shouto?"
"Fuck knows!"
"Can you day a single sentence without swearing?"
"Fuck you!"
Kirishima beams, hardening his arm and throwing a punch at an approaching enemy.
"Is there a plan atleast?"
Bakugou drops a couple metres from where he's standing, sending an explosion over his head to hit something out of sight behind him.
"Back up's on its way. Main priority is the civilians in the building."
He yanks Bakugou's arm, shifting stance whilst hardening his shoulder blade as a couple sharp objects bounce off it.

"What do they even want?"
They both pause at that; Bakugou's brows furrowing in frustration.
"It doesn't make sense."
Kirishima squeezes his bicep, first for comfort, yet quickly does a double take.
"Are you lifting more?"
Bakugou rolls his eyes but doesn't pull away.
"Scared I'm catching up?"
A grin tears across his face.
"Ha – you wish."
For a moment, their eye contact lingers.
"So... do you want to kiss me in public too?"
"Fuck off, Ei."


A smile tugs at Todoroki's lips as he watches his boyfriends bicker across the chaos. He doesn't look for long, however, as seconds later a burst of acid like substance hurls his way. Cursing, he veers to the side as it practically disintegrates his ice wall. It was clear the devastating attack wasn't aiming for him specifically; the sheer span of the liquid is scarily impressive. He can't help but wince at the resounding screams of pain. Before he even has time to catch his breath, another loud explosive attack catches his eye. A villain continually expelling bombs from their body – some detonating on straight away – others not. He makes note to watch around his feet.
Turning his attention to the core of the battle, he takes in the situation – calculating - before shooting out a flurry of ice and sectioning the battle into two sides. It takes some pressure off the heroes closest to the agency entrance, evacuating the residents.
He needs to find who's causing the quakes.
No-one particularly stands out to him. It's hard to tell with the mess of bodies, though. Except...
He hasn't felt any vibrations now he's on the ground. The agency is definitely still periodically shaking, though.
Maybe the villains aren't a hiding spot. Maybe they're a distraction.

In perfect time, a rush flames scorch past – Shouto feels the heat of it on his right side.
Todoroki watches as his father swivels to see who's alerting him. The spike of pride at his father's dissatisfied face when he realises Shouto's cold formality makes his muscles ache a little less.
"The roof!"

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